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"How was I not supposed to look when I was focused on not dropping you?!" Anthony argued back with Alex at the dinner table in the old empty kitchen. A greasy pizza box sat on the table as the rest of the band watched the two argue from both ends of the table. "You could've looked away and let me fall! At least I would've been able to grab my towel!" Alex yelled back while finishing her second slice of pizza. Hearing Anthony scoff, she scoffed back and stood up pouring herself a cup of soda.

"You are the most inconceivable person I have ever met! I save you from falling and this is the thanks I get?" He yelled back eating the rest of his burnt crust.

"You should've let me fall! If I were to get injured we could've blamed it on the old floor and I would've gotten some money! The only thing I got from you saving me was my innocence taken away." She heard Chad stifle a laugh at her statement as Anthony rolled his eyes. "Keep Rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." She snapped getting up again going to throw her trash out. Flea began laughing hysterically making the two raise a brow and say, "What?" at the same time.

Shaking his head Flea stood up to throw the empty pizza box out. "What?" Anthony asked John who shrugged laughing while grabbing the rest of his crust before leaving the room. Turning to Chad, Alex asked "Why's he laughing? I'm confused...." Standing up, Chad finished the rest of his pizza and laughed,
"You two act like a married couple." Wiping the sauce off his lip he patted Alex's back before leaving the kitchen. Making eye contact with Anthony she let out a puff of air before crossing her arms and turning away. Scoffing he turned his back away from her hoping he could drown out her presence.

"Whatcha watching?" Alex asked sitting down next to Flea who replied, "Some old zombie movie. You can watch if you want." Anthony smirked saying, "Unless your too scared." Sitting down next to John she laughed,
"Me? Scared? Your funny." The black and white movie played on the fuzzy tv screen that occasionally would freeze. Biting her nails, she hesitantly watched the movie flinching every time a jump scare would pop up. Cringing at the zombie that was eating brains she went to close her eyes when she made eye contact with Anthony. Forcing her eyes open she diverted her attention back to the screen ignoring him. I'll show you I'm not scared, she thought to herself while scratching her shoulder.

"Oh Fuck. I can't take this." John mumbled getting up as another jump scare popped up before saying, "I'm going to bed guys. Night." Noticing the empty space left between her and Anthony he smirked getting up and sitting down next to her. Go away, she thought to herself. Hearing a blood curling scream and the start of chainsaw she went to gasp but her hand flew up to her mouth. "Are you scared, Alex?" Anthony hoarsely whispered as his hot breath tickled against her ear, making her shiver as she snapped back, "No." As the night went on the movie got scarier. Too many jump scares, brains, and blood. Flea went upstairs to go to bed along with Chad. The two forced themselves to stay and finish the scary movie to prove each other wrong. Everything turned into a competition between them.

Anthony smirked as a jump scare popped up. Watching Alex he squeezed her shoulder making her jump and stood up turning the tv off laughing, "Haha. You flinched. I win, you lose."

"Bullshit! You squeezed my shoulder! I win!"

"No way! I win!"

"Whatever....I'm still wining anyway. That movie wasn't even scary."

"Says the person that flinched every five minutes."

"Says the person who's face turned pale every five minutes."

"Your so immature."

"Am not!"

"I'm not arguing with you."

"You have been arguing with me all day!"

"So? Give me a break."

"Haha! Give you a break? Why waste such a perfect opportunity?"

"Geez, woman. Leave me alone!" He placed his hands over his ears and walked away as he heard her yelling nonsense. Trailing right behind him she frowned and snapped,
"Don't ignore me! Face me like the coward you are!" Rolling his eyes he quickly turned around and grabbed her face. Leaning in he forcefully kissed her on the lips hoping he could drain the anger out of her. Standing there motionless her eyes widened as she thought, what the fuck is going on. Pulling away he snapped, "That kept you quiet."

"You forcefully kissed me!"

"You didn't pull away. You liked it."

"Did not. I'm pretty sure I got cooties now."

"Good. I can give you some more if you want-" He teased turning around as he leaned in to kiss her again. Groaning, she quickly shoved him away and sprinted up the stairs a blushing mess. Smiling he chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair before thinking, I will make you mine. Just you see.

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