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"So this is what a recording studio looks like..." Alex whispered to herself as her eyes widened at the giant room she had stepped into. Too many different keyboard with buttons, and microphones it was hard for her to wrap her head around it. The sound of a trumpet made her jump into Anthony as Flea began hysterically laughing, "I gotcha, Alex! You should've saw your face!" Anthony groaned lightly pushing Alex off of him teasing, "Ew! I don't wanna get cooties from you." Rolling her eyes she began laughing with Flea and shoved him back in revenge after scaring her. John slapped his hand on her back smirking, "Hey grandma." Chad smiled, waving from the drum set he was sitting at.

"Oh shit! That looks sick!" Alex sighed walking over to the drum set. "You wanna try it?" Chad asked standing up. In a matter of seconds she was sitting behind the drum kit, with the sticks in her hand and a devilish smile on her face. "No,no,no,no! Your gonna break it!" Anthony scolded running over and taking the sticks out of her hands before she could break the drum set. "I wasn't gonna break it!" She snapped back trying to grab the drum sticks from him. Smirking he lifted the sticks above his head and laughed watching her jump.

"Fuck you." She mumbled giving up while walking away. Chad took the drum sticks from Anthony's hands and smiled, "Alex? How about I teach you?" Scoffing at Chads question Anthony turned his back while walking out of the room as she smirked thinking, told you I always win. Skipping over to Chad, she sat down on the leather stool and he began teaching her how to play the drums.

"You better watch out, Chad! What if Alex is coming for your position in the band?" Flea teased, raising a brow surprised at how well she was playing for a newbie. John began laughing at how violently she was slamming her arms up and down. "Geez? This hurts your arms..." she complained holding her forearms standing up while thinking,Wait...Why am I Here again? Oh shit! To talk to some guy about a job, I guess? Slowly backing away from Chad,Flea, and John she slipped out into the hallway approaching Anthony who was talking to an older gentleman with really curly brown hair, and a bushy beard.

"Hey, Alex! This is Rick! Our manager..."Anthony smiled as she held her hand out and said, "What's up? I'm Alex." Rick nodded and asked,

"Anthony said you were looking for a job?"


"How would you like to be assistant manager? You can help me create the tour schedules, rent out the stadiums, etc."

"That's sounds awesome! Thank you!"

"Hey don't worry about it. We all have problems we gotta deal with. It's life."

"Yeah....I really appreciate it." Shaking hands with Rick he motioned for him to follow her to sign some papers. Before following him she stopped and turned around to Anthony smirking, "Thanks, Kiedis. Your not as kinky as I thought you were. I owe you one." Nodding his head he smiled, shaking his head while mumbling, "I am not kinky." I might have to take you up on that offer of owing me something, he thought to himself while watching her jog up to Rick.

"Someone's in the L-O-V-E!" John sang skipping around Anthony while laughing when he shoved him mumbling, "Shut it, pipsqueak. Am not." Chad rolled his eyes looking over at Flea who teased Anthony, "Not in love you say? Hm. I think your in denial."

"Am not, Flea."

"Whatever. I'm just saying, I've been your best friend since middle school. I know you like the back of my own hand. But what do I know?" Turning away Anthony shrugged his comment off and mumbled, "C'mon. Let's get practicing."

"Alright so you can read this right now. It's your contract. It includes salary, health benefits, etc." Rick explained handing the small packet over. Slowly reading it Alex's eyebrows raised in relief at how flexible this job would be while thinking to herself, I can take off whenever I want....And still get payed for it? This is a dream come true. Grabbing a pen she signed her name along the dotted line and smiled as Rick popped a mini confetti popper smiling, "Congratulations, Alex. Welcome to the Red Hot Chili Peppers."

"Quick! She's coming!" Flea laughed running around the corner as John mumbled, "Shit." While trying to light the candles on the crappy chocolate frosted cake that poorly read in red icing, Welcome to the band! Turning the corner she jumped when everyone screamed, "Surprise!" Blowing an air horn in her face, Chad laughed at her reaction.

"Guys...What is this?" She mumbled as she read the icing on the cake out loud, "Welcome to the sand?" Anthony snapped, "It says 'Welcome to the Band!' Don't judge my terrible icing skills!" Laughing she mumbled, "Thanks," while taking a piece of chocolate cake.

"Hey you did all of this?" Alex asked sipping the beer Anthony tossed her. Nodding he sat down beside her outside lighting a cigarette mumbling, "Yeah. You deserve it."

"But you got me the job."

"So? Don't worry about it."

"How can I not? This is too generous. Your letting me stay in your home, you got me this job...."

"Kiss me."


"You said you owe me one," Anthony smirked licking his lips and smiled, "C'mon it's just a kiss." Rolling her eyes she slowly leaned in kissing him on the lips while thinking, Your driving me crazy, Kiedis

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