Together Now (Filler)

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Aren's POV
So it's been a while since I came and I can honestly say that (Y/N)'s been in my mind lately. I mean back then, my old self would have never been interested in romance, thinking it was only for wimps. However now it's different, with her I was able to be open and she never judged me.

"Aren-kun", 'speak of the angel'. I turned to see (Y/N) jogging towards me and then stopped. Though for some reason she looked more nervous than I usually did. "Uhh Hey (Y/N)". When she looked at me I could tell that she was blushing a bit and was holding a flyer. I didn't realize that I was staring at her until she cleared her throat and looked away, "So?".

"I'm sorry what?" 'Dumbass'. She looked at her flyer, then me. "I was hoping, maybe if you wanted to go out with me at the cafe that Mera works at, she told me about a couples special and well you were the only person I thought of so...?" Now it my turn to blush. "Wait what about Nendo".

She shook her head and laughed, "it's for couples silly?" 'She thinks we're a couple' Taking a moment to realize she turned red, "I mean no that we're a couple, I just thought since we both enjoy each other's company-" "Could we be a couple?" I interrupted her, even if she may not see me that way, I still wanted her to know that I liked her. I'm pretty sure I was already sweating. She just stared at me so I took a deep breathe and grabbed her dainty hand. "I mean it is a couples thing right? I like you so why not?"

"You like me?" She blushed. I just chuckled, "Well ya? Why else would I have said "oh hell" when I saw you that day." "Oh..." Then she mumbled Teruhashi's name. When she looked up back at me, she quickly kissed me and tugged on my arm. "Alright boyfriend lets go." Let's just say we ended the day perfectly holding hands.

(A/N) yes this is a little rush but hey at least your with him now :)) alright well imma start watching the episodes to get more info about Kuboyasu so......peace

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