21½.) Jacket

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"Hold still babe."

"Hehehe. That's what you said." I laughed as Aren rolled his eyes. He poked my stomach making me poke his muscular one back.

He went back to fixing the jacket that he'd bought me for Christmas. Well early Christmas. I wouldn't stop trying to unleash the wrapping from my present. I liked it because in the back was Aren's Woman, back off bozos!

I'm a greedy little bish. Alright fine, I just wanted to see my gift.

"Sooo. Whatda think bozo?" I said giving myself a smug grin in the mirror. "Dang. I look fabulous."

Aren raised a brow, "What ever happened to that blushing girl that waved to me when she transferred to my school?"

I pursed my lips and posed. "Sorry the old (Y/n) can't come to the phone right now."

Aren smirked. "Why?"

"Why?" I repeated. "She's dead. Plus she meet a sexy thug boi and picked up some of his habits." I then pulled out his wallet.

"Really?" He said and snatched it from my hands. "Such a bad girl. I need a collar on you." He suddenly smirked with slight pink cheeks.

"Wierdo." I pursed my lips.

Aren chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a soft kiss on my neck before nibbling. I sighed and leaned into him.

"Why doncha' you feel inside the jacket?" He spun me around.

I gave him a confused look. "What for?"

He directed his chin to the jacket. "Just look."

"Alrighty bozo." I put my hand in the left pocket and felt a delicate chain. When I pulled it out, there was a necklace.

It was absolutely-

"What the shiz nuts! This is fudging cool! I love it." The damn thing was shaped like motorcycle. Of course.

"Look on the back." He said.

I turned the bike around to see, My ride or die, encraved with bronze. The bike itself was a silver with purple details.

"How did you get this?" I said. Then I realized something. "Wait? Isn't this the cute thing I saw at the gift shop? I thought they sold out?"

"They did." He smiled at it. "But I have my ways." He locked his mischievous eyes on me. "Anything for my woman."

I gave him a knowing look. "Oh yeah. What did my man do?"


Aren and (Y/n) were walking hand-in-hand. They were both drinking milkshakes. It was winter so they both wore jackets, but they were both Aren's.

(Y/n) had glanced around until she noticed that some girl was eyeing Aren, so she decided to snuggle into his side and pulled his face to hers. He didn't mind but was caught off guard. His eyes then caught a girl looking their way and immediately snaked his arms around (Y/n)'s waist.

A scoff was heard and Aren pulled away.

"Was that good?" He asked her. She was dazed for a second before burying her nose in his neck.

"Mhmm. Now these girls know what's mine." She said sweetly.

He chuckled and they two continued on.

It was then a necklace stood out to (Y/n). The charm was a motorcycle with purple details.

However, the price was high. So (Y/n) decided to just ignore the dissapointment in her chest and walked with Aren again.

"Hey babe? Can you get me some napkins at the shop down there." He asked

"Only if you give me money so I can buy the (f/desert)." The (h/c) colored girl cackled as he rolled his eyes and handed her a couple of bills. "Yuss! I'll be back." Then she sped walk away, shoving people that went into her way. "MOVE PEASANTS!"

Aren shook his head with a loving look. "I am so in love with her." He turned back to direction of the necklace with a dark look.

He went inside of the store and was about to purchase the necklace when a guy grabbed onto it.

"I'm hoping your not going to buy this? Only a real man could afford something like this." The guy scoffed at Aren's dark clothing. He may have been a former thug, but that didn't stop him from wanting to dress a bit casual but edgy. He wasn't a bum.

Aren kept a calm face. "Actually I am. It's for my wi-girlfriend."

The guy laughed at Aren. "Not on my-" The man's face suddenly widened when he seen Aren's devilish smile with a tick mark on his head. "I said I'm buying it, or would you like to take this to the back where I can show you." He said through clentched teeth.

The man gulped and ran out.

"Nice, I didn't have to use my bat this time. Or (Y/n)." He smiled and went to make a purchase.

-Flashback ended-

Your POV

"Oooooooo. Noice dude." I said with a smug grin.

Aren and I continued to stare at each other before making out.

(A/N) so I'm having an Author-Chan Q+A!

So ask me questions about me XD like you can ask me anything since I want you peeps to know about me. ALRIGHT SO THERE IS NO LIMIT ASK ME ANYTHING!

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