(21) Returning The Hamster

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2nd POV

A sigh escaped your pink lips as you put the tiny little hamster in her cage. On the side had a little stitching of "mini buddy".

"Silly Richan." (Yes. Chan. Like Kacchan. Bcuz Izuku calls Katsuki Kacchan....)

You were on your way to drop off Nendou's beloved hamster. She wasn't much trouble, just loved to eat and sleep alot. Though you did catch her on your couch on top of Aren's head while he was asleep, but the show Dance Moms was on. Speaking of Aren, he was still asleep on your bed. Without a shirt. Just his boxers.

You shook your head and laughed. He loved to go commando sometimes. All right, all the time. Not like you minded at all, you got to see all of his glory. He even did this at his house. Coincidence....I THINK NOT.

It was relief to know that Aren wasn't jealous of you and Nendou's friendship. He was cool with it as long as Nendou wouldn't third wheel.

You felt kind of bad about not being able to hang out with the big lug in awhile. Sure he had the others, plus Aren, but still. You were his first friend.


You got to Nendou's house sooner than you thought. You knocked the door a couple of times before his mom answered.

"Oh, why don't you look who's here. Chibi! It feels like a while, come in sweetie." You smiled and took off your shoes before entering. "Are you hungry?"

"No thank-"

"I made (f/dessert)." She gushed.

"On second thought, I could use a sweet." You dived into the plate that she held out.

The sweet woman put a hand over her mouth. "My, you sure do love (f/dessert." She looked at the cage you had in your hand. "Oh, you have Riki's pet. Let me call the boy."

She turned towards Riki's room and cupped her hands. "RIKI! Chibi is here with your hamster."

The door slid open revealing a tired Riki rubbing his eyes. "What hamster? Oh yeah."

He smiled when he saw your blushing stuffed cheeks and a delighted smile on your cute face. He chuckled and grinned at the cage.

"Hey, it's mini buddy. Hey girl, were you good?" He went over and got the cage from you. When he opened it, the hamster perked up when she saw him and ran her chubby limbs up to his face. "Aww."

You swallowed the delicious treat and grinned at the cute reunion.

"Thank you, girly." He ruffled your hair.

"No probs. The treats were a good thank you enough."

"Say, why don't we hang out. Ooooh do you want to get ramen. It's on me." He said with a hopeful smile.

"Sure. I've got nothing else planned." You said. Riki beamed. He was happy that his best friend would spend the day with him. Just like the old times, except he wasn't going to eat mud pies.

You texted Aren and he replied back with a joking picture of him with a sexy smirk, holding a pair of undies. A blush made it's way to your face and you felt like punching his handsome face.

"Baka..." You muttered. Riki glanced at your face and laughed. He poked your flaming cheek.


"This is really good." You hummed while eating.

"Right. They have good flavors. I always get the gummy bears with extra ketchup." He grinned.

You grimaced, but then laughed.

"Hey, is that Bruce Lee....oh wait it was just a balloon." He said and went back to downing his plate.

"So girly, how are you and Aren?" He asked. "Are you guys married yet?"

You raised a brow. "We're still 16½ Richan."

He shrugged. "Do you wanna go to the park after this?" This guy sure loved to change subjects.

After eating, you both walked around the park. Along the way, you seen a young boy wave to Nendou while playing with a baseball.

"Hey girly! That's the nice boy I teach sports to. He's cool." He said. You looked suprised. "Oh and there's the nice old woman I helped across the street." He pointed to an elderly woman who waved her hand and continued knitting.

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a gentleman." You giggled.

He blushed and looked away. "Yeah, not alot of people accept it, but I try my best."

You tilted your head with a confused face. You shrugged and kissed his cheek in a friendly way. "They're missing out. To me, you have a genuine heart."

He gave you a fond smile and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Always making people blush aren't you." He joked.

When a cart passed by, he plucked a flower and sit it in your ear. "You're the best girly a guy could wish for. Aren's a lucky guy." He chuckled. "Except for the times when you'd fart and act like it was a ghost."

You gasped. "I thought you didn't know."

"Hey! I'm not that dumb." He mused. His eyes suddenly widened. "Hey it's Jackie Chan...oh wait it's just another balloon."

You rolled your eyes and continued walking with the big guy.

The old lady smiled at the two teens. She suddenly smirked and ripped off the mask on her face.

It was Author-chan. "Hehehehehe. Skepticals." She cupped her eyes like binoculars. Just then Haido ran over hogging. The girl perked up and blushed.

She ripped off the old lady costume to reveal a sports outfit.

"Oooooooo. Haido-kun what a coincidence! Wow you're so fit."

(A/N) y'all I honestly love Nendou. Before you go "eww. He's ugly." Okay....he's not the most handsome but he is husbando type. 4REAL He can cook, he's athletic, and he's good with animals seriously. In an episode, the hamster was scared to be with him, but ended up loving him because Nendou actually feed and cleaned up after her. Plus in the season 1, he was trying to hit up different girls but got rejected. He ended up saving one of the girls, but didn't take advantage of her and accepted her apology when she insulted him (rude bishh) . SO YUP ITS CONFIRMED. AAAND. He does have a muscular and toned body. :3

Also. Maybe if y'all create an OC...I might just enter them. 😈

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