Aren/ One-shot

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Aren x Baby-Child! Reader. Fluff, I was going to put this as the title but it felt wierd. Cuz like...I don't want people thinking I'm writing any wierd shiz.


Aren yawned as he snuggled into his girlfriend's chest. Except, there was no chest. He woke up with a startle when his eyes met big (e/c) ones. He gasped and backed up at the edge of the bed as a small girl looked up at him in curiosity.

“(Y-Y-Y-Y/n-n-n)! What happened!” He stammered.

The small girl titled her head and then looked at her hands. They were not her regular hands, they were small chubby fingers. Baby hands. She looked at Aren as tears gathered in her eyes and she let out a small cry.

“Oh shi- I mean sorry.” He quickly scooped the small girl up. She was really tiny so the clothes that she wore were slowly falling off so he grabbed grabbed one of his shirts from the floor and pulled it over her melon sized head, shifting it to be a blanket.

He rubbed circles on the girl's back. The small girl ceased her crying and sucked on her thumb leaning on his chest.

“Dammit, what the-I don't have time for this.” He ignored how you changed into a child and just decided to deal with it. He wasn't good with kids and didn't want to have to deal with the duties literally. But Girlfriend or not, you were his responsibility now.


It was later on in the day and you were now a tween. Presumably 12-13.

“Don't touch that (Y/n). You're older self would be mad.” Aren picked up you and carried you on his side.

He grabbed the glass sculpture of the (f/animal) and placed it back on the shelf. You pouted and squirmed around as he set you on the couch.

“It was pretty.” You whined.

“You're a handful.” He sighed. Aren ran a hand through his purple hair and took his glasses off. When he looked back at you, you quickly looked away with a blush. Even as a younger girl you thought he was handsome.

“Aww, does someone have a crush.” He smirked.

“Baka! You're an old geezer.” You kicked your barefoot at his arm as he laughed.

“You won't be saying that in the future.” He winked.

“Pervert.” You crossed your arms. “You can't be my boyfriend yet.”

“Hmm, maybe I should go find another girlfriend then. Maybe one who's older.” He shrugged.

Your face went red in anger with puffed up cheeks as you leaped up and hugged his arm. “I said yet. You're my Aren. Nobody else's.”

He gave you a smile and put a hand on top of your head. “Of course you are.”

“I'm more prettier.” You then gripped his arm and tried to press your non existent chest up. “And I have more.”

Aren raised a brow. “More what?” He asked.

You looked at your chest and didn't see anything. Just straight down. You then went to the corner and sulked. “Stupid age. I want to be back to 17.”

“Shit, sorry. Hey at least your still cute.” He smiled. “Bedsides I wasn't even paying attention to your body.” He sweatdropped when you growled at him.

It's going to be a long day.


Soon Aiura came and brought her whole physic set up. You called- Aren called her through your phone and invited her to see how longer it would be for you to return normal.

She did different experiments until finally she got an answer. “It shouldn't be to long. Maybe a few more hours.”

You smiled until you saw when she had put the crystal ball back in her chest. Her stupid big boobs. You looked up Aren to see him looking away. That's right. You better not look.

“Welp my job here is done. Bye (Y/n)-chan. See you Kuboyasu.” She did a peace sign and then left.

“Did you think I was going to look?” Aren kneeled to your height.

“Look at what? Her eyes.” You lied.

Aren shook his head as he picked you up and sat down on the couch. You blushed when he set you beside him and held your tiny pinky.

“What’re you doing?” You asked.

He chuckled. “This is the only way I'm holding you. You're still young and I'm not going to make a move on you. I'm not into that disgusting stuff. I still have respect.”

You smiled. Soon enough you became sleepy and Aren carried you in your room where he tucked you in and kissed your forehead. He slept on the couch.

(A/n) Yeet yaw. Comment any one-shots you wanna see and if I get some requests, I'll write them. Okay peeeeace.


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