New Girls

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You and Kokomi were walking to class, of course with everyday "ohs" and the "oh wows" coming from those who passed by her. Though you would also receive faces admirations from the males.

Believe it or not, since Kokomi was the perfect pretty girl, you were the alluring and lovable girl. You had gotten compliments from people saying that you were nice and helpful. Your bestie didn't mind after all she called you her perfect best friend.

To Aren's dismay, you would get mostly stares and sometimes guys would try talking to you, but you always told them you had a boyfriend and reassured Aren you were only into him.

When you reached the class you seen Chiyo ran out sadly, mumurs we're also heard about a new girl, so you both went in and saw a dark-skinned girl who had blonde hair, she was also pretty busty and seemed to own a gyaru style. Though you noticed that she was gushing and had her pesky nails on your boyfriend, while he was blushing wide-eyed. Oh heck no she better get those nails off or I'll break them off

She seemed to see Kokomi's glowing figure, turned and gasped at the sight. Of course, The gyaru zoomed getting closer to you both. 

"Woah, both of your auras are like nothing I've ever seen. It's like angels" She leaned closer to you but you just gave her a blank stare, "Hmm, though yours is more like tiger. Beautiful, but dangerous when angered"

You smirked a bit , "Thanks" She turned back to Aren. "Oh whats this, his seems to be roaring when around you." 

"That's because he's my boyfriend." You raised an eyebrow at her as she suddenly grabbed your hand staring. "Aooh nice choice then. Your pretty lucky, I like muscular guys. So I guess you must be his soulmate then"

You stared at her, "Mhm." She then let go and went up sitting at a desk getting a crowd around her.

Walking up to Aren, you crossed your arms narrowing your eyes at the gyaru girl, "So what's her deal?" He sweatdropped and put a hand behind his head. "Uhm. Not sure"

You gave him a look, "Really she seemed pretty comfortable touching your arm."

He looked away again saying, "Well I guess she reads people's auras or something. Heh she said I had one of a pompadour, she also seemed to know about my mullet and past." He was still a bit flustered, but saw your glared and wrapped his arms around you, "She said we were soulmates"

You pursed your lips, "So I've heard. Though she called me a beautiful but dangerous tiger." Aren sat in his seat so you sat on the desk. "Well she's not wrong about being beautiful" You couldn't help but blush when he smirked.

"Hah. Tiger" You glared at Kaido, until Aren spoke up. "Shut it, she said you were a squirell so why are you laughing." 

You giggling and cooed. "She really said that, well that explains a lot. Especially since he's so short" Hmm maybe that girl isn't bad, as long as she doesn't touch my man

You both laughed while he gave an offended face saying that he would summon his power on you both. Man this boy needs a counselor.


Later on you parted from Aren and walked with Kokomi. After class you were able to talk with that gyaru chick. Her name is Aiura Mikoto, a psychic who's looking for her soulmate. She was actually nice but a bit wierd, when doing a ritual before saying someone's fortune.   

Anyway there was yet another student. Speaking of them, Kokomi spoke up. "(Y/N) have you heard about the new girl?"

"Which one, gyaru chick?"

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