(10) Snuggling In

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You and Aren were snuggled on the couch watching his favorite action movie. His parents had left early for their work, leaving you two alone, much to Aren's secret delight. He's been wanting to spend time with you for awhile but alone.

It was also especially great since it was the weekend and there wasn't much homework to do since you finished it all already.

You were quite relieved when he bought snacks to last you both the night. You're pretty serious when it comes to snacks, not picky but wanted to make sure it was delicious and there was enough.

It's been some time since you both had been together. It was a fast relationship, but none you complained and always remained supportive to one another.

Thus explaining how you two were on the couch.

"Who do you think will win?" Aren excitingly asked you with a cute grin.

He wasn't wearing his glasses and had his hair tied up, which made him look even more handsome. He's been alot more comfortable about his appearance around you. Sometimes even going shirtless.

You blushed lightly when you caught yourself staring at him. "Umm. Not sure how about you?"

"Probably Dwayne Johnson." He said taking a handful of popcorn and crunching on it.

You turned back to the TV and watched as John Cena broke a chair on some random dude before going back into the ring trying to body slam The Rock.

A deep chuckle made you turn to Aren as he was joyfully eating chocolate and had a stain on the corner of his lip. You let out a small laugh making him turn to you with a raised brow.

"What's funny?" He asked with full cheeks.


You shook your head laughing then looked at him when an idea popped into your head. With your cheeks blooming like a red rose, you leaned up to kissed the corner of his lips, letting your tongue peek out and lick the stain off.

His face slowly turned red and he looked at you with a funny expression.

You just licked your lips and smiled at him, "Sorry you had something on your face." He kept staring at you until his face turned normal and he regained his composure, staring at your lips as they were still curved into his favorite smile.

He crashed his lips onto yours and in one move he had one arm wrapped around your waist and the other on the back of your neck pushing your head into a deeper kiss. Your (e/c) eyes became wide at this sudden affection though soon enough you kissed him back almost melting like chocolate under the warm sun.

Things got more passionate when he licked your bottom lip with a groan as if needing to devour them and squeezed your waist pulling you closer. You moaned, granting him an entrance as his tongue embrace yours. Your hands slithered to his toned chest and around his neck, tilting your head kissing him more intensely as he groaned lowly.

You blushed and pulled away from him smiling when you saw that he was also blushing and gazed at you lovingly with lidded eyes.

"Can we do that again." He asked with a husky tone from his minty breath. Yeah he made sure to add that mouthwash.

You smiled softly twirling a strand of his hair, "Anytime handsome." Your eyes flickered to his kitchen, "-but first can we make some lemonade again? That was fun."

"Sure." He chuckled and stood up making you squeal and wrap your legs around his waist, while he placed his hands on your thighs giving them a soft squeeze.

So soft

He sat you on the counter and kissed your nose before going into the refrigerator and grabbing a lemonade packet. Then to the cabinet to grab a cup and opened the drawers to get a spoon.

You sat there watching him making the lemonade swinging your legs back and forth. He kept his purple eyes on mixing the package, so you hopped of the counter but noticed his cabinet remained open so you closed it, but after grabbing some left over pocky. He kept a not so secret stash.

Hopping back on to the counter you seen that Aren was done making the lemonade and looked up at you with a strand of his purple hair in front of his face, "All done."

"Noice." Keeping the pocky in your mouth, you went over to him looking at the refreshing drink and saw your reflection. You also saw his too, but he was coming closer to you, so you looked up and he quickly backed up with an innocent smile.

You narrowed your eyes and gave him the 'I'm Watching You' gesture. In one bite, you swallowed the pocky and burped. He looked at you in awe, "Marry me sooner." He was also having certain thoughts.

"What?" You laughed awkwardly. He shook his nothing with a sweatdrop on his forehead, "Nothing. Let's just continue our lemonade."

Shrugging you took the cup and drank with a hum. He smiled and drank some of his own. You two spent the rest of the day watching the rest of the wrestling match, and ended up falling alseep until his parents came home and his mom yelling, "I told you we should've bought those condoms!"

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