His Sweet Love

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(a/n) T^T sorry my lovely people. Ehehe hopefully this makes up for it.


The stars twinkled above and the moon illuminated in the dark blanket that was the night sky. It was a chilly night as leaves blew along the wind.

Aren was riding on his bike as he rode to his beloved girlfriend's house. He decided that they needed a special night to themselves. One where the both of them would just talk and go on about their interests instead of making passionate love like they always ended up doing. No, this time he wanted to actually have a good conversation with his lover. He didn't mind the things they did, but he wanted this night to be more quality time.

He made sure to bring some of his famous dishes and desserts that she loves so much. The image of her stuffing her cute cheeks made him smile fondly at the time they were at the school's event and she shoved most of the delicious treats in her mouth. The way he fell more in love with her. He smiled the whole way there as memories of their time together.

When he arrived at his girlfriend's house he took off his helmet and pulled his phone from his pocket. He looked up the contacts until her name popped up.

Wifau💕 - picture of you eating (f/dessert)

He chuckled before pressing the call button. He bit his lip as he heard the ringing and looked towards your window which was dark inside. A few rings later and you had finally answered the phone.

"Moshi moshi." you said groggily.

"Hey babe." Aren said softly.

"Why are you calling at...8pm. It's my sleeping hour." You said sassily.

"Babe, you and I both know that you're probably not even asleep. You're just pretending you're asleep because you're either reading your fanfiction or watching anime." He smirked knowing that he was right.

"Fuck off." You said.

Inside your home, you were cuddled up in your bedsheets enjoying the content on your phone but then Aren had to call you.

He probably had a smug face on that handsome face of his. You wanted to smack it. So you hung up on him and went back to going on your phone, but a knock on the door made you groan.

You got up and walked to the front door. You opened the door with a sour face and stared at your boyfriend who was wearing casual clothes.

His purple eyes behind those frames trailed down your body. You were in one of his shirts with nothing but underwear under because you liked being able to move your legs around.

"Can I help you. I've got things to do you know." You crossed your arms.

Aren did nothing but chuckle and made his way in, but before you could say anything, he grabbed your waist and threw you over his shoulder like a weightless sack of potatoes.

You punched his back and cursed at him so he spanked you making you blush and pout as he took you in your room.

"If you want to do the unholy, not today-"

"You know there are other things that couples do other than sex." He said letting you down on your bed. He cupped your chin and pecked your lips. "I'm not here just for that. I'm not some douche."

You blushed and crossed your arms, looking away. "Say that to my butt when you smacked it. Anyways, what're you here for?" You looked at him in confusion.

"For a date, and not one where we always end up waking up naked afterwards. I mean a real, genuine date where we talk." He said with a serious look.

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