(18) Another Special Night

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Hey Peeps. So um tomorrow is my birthday and well instead of giving myself of a gift. I decided to give you all this chapter :) enjoy. Hehe also, I love reading and responding to your guy's comments 😂they make me wheeze.

Oh and warning.


So for those. Here is some holy water. *Hands out holy water for the reader too embrace*

It was a cold night. The frigid breeze was flowing by the busy street lights as cars zoomed to get to their destinations.

You bobbed your head up and down, humming to the catchy music blasting from your earbuds. Your hands were stuffed in your hoodie trying to warm up.

Aren's place wasn't far from yours, just a little walking distance. It was kind of windy so you decided to wear your hoodie. By yours, you mean his. He gave it to you to wear for the day, but you ended up taking it home. You went by his house to return it, but only his mom was there. She insisted to clean it which was nice since the fragrance matched him.

It did smell a lot like him. Manly, and pinetree. That's why you liked to wear it because it was like his warmth covered you every time.

A blush covered your cheeks as you visioned his strong arms wrapped around your body. Also from the other day of his confession. He loved you.

"I love you too." You whispered dazed.

Your hands made fist inside the jacket, but soon your eyes widened. Your hands touched something that you didn't notice was in the jacket until now.

A condom.

You slowly took it out and looked at it. There was a note attached.

Just in case. ;)

"That woman is going to be the death of us." You muttered.

Though a part of you wanted to keep it for later. It's been a while since you two done it. Last time he showed you how he loved you. Now it was your turn.

Maybe we could

You blushed once more at the thoughts that came to mind. With a nod you fastened your pace to his house.

Time Skip. Brought to you by..... Haido's condoms.

You made it to Aren's house after walking. You wanted tonight to be special for the both of you.

You knocked on his house and waited. He came in a few seconds and looked quite cute.

His hair was up in a ponytail and he didn't have glasses on. He was wearing a full sleeve with sweats that hung from his hips, showing his boxers. You almost drooled.

"Hey babe." His deep voice more husky since he woke up groggily.

You gave a closed-eye smile, hiding the flustered feeling. "Hi."

He chuckled and let you inside. "So what brings you here at-" He looked at the clock. "9:00 in the night."

You took your shoes and socks off then sat on his couch and patted your lap. "I wanted to spend time with you."

He smiled and walked over to you. He sighed and sat back while laying his head on your thighs.

This was your cue to run your hands through his hair as you always did when he was on your lap. You released his hair from the scrunchie and began massaging his scalp. His deep eyes rolled back in his head.

"Oh that feels good." He sighed as your fingers combed through. Heat surged through your stomach. You continued, along with your other hand to press your fingers into his scalp. You could feel alot of tension.

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