(6) Swimsuit Searching

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(A/N) Alrighty so the beach idea was chosen sooooooo......first you'll need to buy a swimsuit of course 😀

You was merely on the brink of death from it being so humid. With the teacher blabbering away, you were also bored. However in a few minutes, the beautiful sound of the bell ringing made you jump from your seat racing out the door.

Still running, you turned to a corner clumsily tripping over yourself.
'And down I go', though just as you were awaiting to fall on the floor arms caught you. "Woah, are you okay?" Hairo held your arms until you steadied yourself and he let go.

"Yah, thanks Hairo, I've would've bruised my knee." The thicked browed boy just gave you a thumbs up with a grin. "It's no problem, say do you wanna join me at the beach?"

You looked at him confused, "Oh um I'm not sure-" He just looked at you reassuringly, "Well if you change your mind, I'll be by the tennis courts working on my volleyball skills! Oh and you could bring Aren too, also the others."Then he walked off giving everyone who passed him, a high five.

'Well alright then' You walked the other way towards the locker room seeing Aren who was by his locker, sweating. "Hey Aren, guess the heat is getting to you too huh?" He groaned while sitting on the bench putting his regular shoes on. "I'm just about ready to just be shirtless".

You blushed a bit thinking, 'I wouldn't mind hehe' "Uhm..right. Anyways, Hairo offered us to join him at the beach-" Suddenly you saw Rikki, Kaido, and Saiki, so you waved to them, wanting to invite them. "Hey guys", they also seemed to be sweating, well except for Saiki who looked normal.

"Oh Hey girly!" Rikki jogged over to you and started talking about the ramen he ate, while you giggled not minding, already being used to it. You both were talking while the guys were just standing there staring, until you remembered what you were talking about.

"So the spices-" You politely put your hand up and he nodded. "Sorry but I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the beach." He perked up and looked at the others. "Hey buddies we should go to the beach, how does that sound huh? Lil buddy"

You looked at Aren, who wasn't sure what he wanted to do. "I'm not sure" he scratched behind his head, so you hugged his arm pouting, "Aww cmon Aren-Kun~ it'll be nice and fresh, plus I'll be wearing a swimsuit" you winked.

He sweatdropped, "Uhh sure fine" Though inside he was dreading the idea. He was sorta self conscious about the scars he had from his past, but he couldn't help but blush thinking about you in a cute swimsuit. "YAY!" You hugged him.

"Oh the beach, can I come, you know because it's so hot and I want to be fresh. I wouldn't be bothering would I", said the angelic that belonged to none other than Kokomi Teruhashi.

"Yah me too", came the short brown haired girl who you believed was Yumehara. You knew her from hanging out with Kokomi at the cafe once, she would ask a lot questions but other than that she was pretty nice.

"Alright well sounds like a plan. Hey (Y/N) come with us we're going shopping, you too Mera", before you could protest the girls grabbed your arms. Along with Mera who was sneaking into the cafeteria.

"Hmm oh well, if you insist.....well there be food"


Kokomi and Chiyo, she let you call her, dragged you and Mera to buy swimsuits.

When looking around Chiyo was frantically looking around while posing in front of a mirror. "Oh, hopefully I'll be able to buy a cute one, I mean I haven't been eating any sweets for nothing."

Kokomi looked at her reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll look great in anything"

We looked at her sweat dropping, "Pssh, Kokomi your so beautiful, heck you'll gain a crowds attention just by breathing", Chiyo grabbed her by the shoulders.

You went along hugging your bestie and giggled. "Plus she's so shiny she's like an angel"

Kokomi smiled at you blushing, "Stop it" 'Keep going, perfect bestie'

Author then narrates,
-Ever since Teruhashi and (Y/N) became friends, she realized that Teruhashi liked attention but didn't admit it because that would be selfish, and she wasn't selfish. Though (Y/N) didn't mind and got know Kokomi by telling her about herself. Normally Teruhashi would have brushed her off, but for some reason she didn't. That was because unlike other girls, (Y/N) didn't try to kiss up to her, which she admired, so she dubbed (Y/N) as her perfect bestie.-

"Alrighty so I was thinking of buying these sunglasses, what do you-!"you gapsed seeing the bespeckled girl biting the leather purse. ".....Mera that's not food".

She looked up at you scratching behind her head. "Whoopsie, I thought it said 'try me'". You looked at her blankly but then laughed, "Yes it does, but it means to hold it silly"


You shook her head and gasped seeing a cute (f/c) two-piece. "Oooh this is cute, ik buying it". Chiyo came towards you, "That's cute"she then eyed your form frowning and you noticed this. "Uh Chiyo, you okay?"

She put on a smile, "Oh yes sorry, um I think I saw a cute swimsuit" she grabbed a random yellow two piece and tried it on. "Alrighty then"

"Hey (Y/N), do you think this looks nice?" Kokomi showed you her pastel pink ruffled two-piece. She was gaining some attention from others.

"Yes Kokomi, you look like a snack.....hm I wonder what Saiki would think?" you giggled whispering the last part,giving her the thumbs up. She blushed and quickly shut the curtain. "Oh, what about Aren" that left you to smirk.


After buying swimsuits, you all left satisfied. A vibration in your purse caught your attention. You checked to see that it was Aren.

Grapehead💜:We're at the beach under a burgundy umbrella. PS cover up there's pervs here.

You blushed rolling your eyes at his protectiveness. The other girls saw this and snickered so you glared at them.


(A/N) I've decided to make this a girls/everyone day hahahahahah
Hmmm don't worry the beach part is coming lol it's hard to type and wrestle the little gremlin I call a cousin 😅 *holds eye that got kicked* I gotta try not to beat this kid. No I'm not child abusing he's 10 I'm 15 and he tough he keeps smacking me with his chanclas so I'm just pushing him🙃

Like this kid is the devils child.

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