Chapter 3

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                                    Percy's P.O.V

It has been 5 years since I have been sentenced to the Field of Punishments. Let's just say when they mean Hell, they mean Hell please don't joke about it.

The bare surroundings of everything burnt to a crisp and ashy air is terrible. The holograms even worse, but I guess it has to be the highlight of my days.

I get to at least see my ex-family. Even if they hate me I'll always love them . Curse you personal Loyalty.

If you saw me now you probably wouldn't even recognize me, Percy Jackson ex-savior of Olympus. Even if I have partial immortality I look different.
I have scar marks of all the words they have called me. Every single one.

I finally learned the procedure that how every time someone says something about me their hologram comes here and rights the word in me.

But hey, it doesn't hurt anymore as the knife goes in me. I suppose I'm just you to the pain.

No one said anything in 8 hours , which is a new record.

Gosh I wish I understood what has happened.

I get on my knees, as my arms are in the air by the chains and pray to a God. Any god. As long I get out of this Hell.

I wait....... nothing. Nothing ever seems to happen.

Suddenly I'm blinded by a orange hew.

'What's happening?' my brain says.

The  light clears and standing in front of me is ........

.................Lady Hestia?

Lady Hestia!

I put my head down in a nod and croak out, " My Lady."

My own voice startling myself, since I stopped talking 4 years ago to the holograms.

"Percy!" she replies as she jumps me in a hug, in her 8 year old self .

I groan as the contact and she quickly apologizes.

"No need, M'Lady." I say with a head nod.

"Perseus you have been wrongly judged.—"

"No kidding." I whisper.

" -I would like to grant you a new start." She smiles with a sparkle in her orange eyes.

I think about this, not.

"Anything for you Lady Hestia"

Her mouth opens in a wide grin as her and I quickly flash away.

We end up flashing in the woods, where a small camp has been located.

"Percy, I would like you to be a guardian, and if you would allow me to be your patron." Hestia asks hesitant.

My  face breaks into a huge grin, before I crashes Hestia into a hug replying 'Thank You' over and over again.

They quickly brace loose as Hestia begins to explains what will happen with my future.

And with that a new legend was born. No longer the person once called Percy Jackson,but a new hero with a big future that awaits.

Welcome to the Greek world θρυμματισμένες αναμνήσεις. ( shattered memories)

He is called now by the name ομίχλη (Haze).

The man know one know is real or just a myth.

Authors Note: Sorry I haven't wrote in a while it's just school has started and with basketball I have been busy. This chapter goes out to *awesomessmallgirl0*

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