Chapter 16

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                                   Haze's P. O. V.

Slashing monsters my thoughts go away. All the memories come back even if I don't want them.

Was there even a haven to escape this  harsh reality?

Because I would gladly give myself over to it just for one day to forget all about my messed up life.  

My hood, this time, was thrown back as a strong gust of wind blew past me. Growling in annoyance, I ripped my entire cloak off, despite the fact that I was revealing myself at my most vulnerable.

I remember the last time I saw myself, I was barely able to recognize myself. 


   My eyes began to glow a black obsidian, my heart breaking at the edges, too weak and incapacitated to contain all the anger and betrayal.

Why was I forced to go back?

Was it all just lies when Hestia told me because I needed to reminiscence the past?
Was everything else she told me all lies as well? 


Power ran through my brains, and with every breath, my anger grew.

Flashbacks from the past tore through my mind as I recalled all those times I couldn't fight back because I was injured beyond help. And most of all, because I couldn't save those I loved.  


   I stared down at my hands, completely broken inside.

It was funny how I was actually alive on the outside, but dead beyond any aid. My soul was just an empty shell of what it was before.

After I helped the hunters, I did the first thing I needed to do.

I left my cloak on the ground, and ran away.

  I didn't know where I was running to, but all I knew was that I had to get away from here, even for just a while.

There's no good to see yourself in a mirror and not recognize your face. Because all I saw, was a monster. 

So I ran.

The sand beneath my feet glittered brightly in the moonlight. Gone were the bright specks of umbrellas that dotted the seashore during the summertime. Gone were the sand castles and buckets and children playing happily along the shore.

This wintertime beach was lonely and almost frightening. The sea was now dark and turbulent seeming as though it was hiding some deep secret beneath its murky waters.The whole aura seemed different since the last time I have seen the sea.

It brought me comfort, as it did with the old me, the forgotten me.

A few yards away, two seagulls stood silent, ominously gazing at the ocean's surf. Their stillness was unsettling as I remembered the last time I saw them as they had squawked and fluttered about, trying desperately to sneak a piece of a vacationer's picnic.

The night sky above is gray and stony, such a contrast to the bright sunshine that had shone down during the day.

I walk to the edge of the shore and stand mesmerized by the dark ocean. The ocean seems angry. It crashs into the seaside, causing me to jump back.

A few seconds later, another crash comes forward this time almost knocking me over.

The ocean seems to hate me. The water now brings me excruciating  pain, but I will always try, so hopefully one day it won't hurt as much.

As the sun is starting to rise, I decide it's time to head back to the hunters camp.

I turn and walk back to the shore vowing to only visit the beach in the summer. I turn back for one last look before I head back.

The seagulls have not moved. They stand silent on the lonely beach on the cold, lifeless sand. They, too seemed mesmerized by the dark and lonely sea.

What's your favorite Rick Riordan book?

Mine would The Red Pyramid in the Kane Chronicles.

Till next time cheerios.

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