Chapter 32

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                                  Haze's P.O.V.

The constant cheer of people talked engulfed my ears. The smell of what some say a school cafeteria, swarmed my nostrils.

I kept looking at the hunters and campers around me with smiling faces. The constant happiness knowing they have somewhere where they belong.

The idea sets both a joyous mood for them and a sour mood, knowing I'll never have that.

I look down at my hand that's poking at the chicken tenders and fries on my plate. My hood falling over my eyes, showing me another reason why I don't belong.

I can never show my true self. The self of me that some claim was lost long ago. The one that kept everything together so he would never let anyone down, but ended up letting himself down in the process.

The grease from the fried food swirls around on my hand as I rub my fingertips together. A nudge on my side gets my attention as I look up and see some of the hunters looking at me curiously.

"Haze are you gonna eat that?" Asks Thalia.

"Here." I say as I push my food towards her and start standing up, "I'm leaving anyways."

"But Haze-"

"It's fine." I reply curtly, giving them no room to argue.

I make my way out of the recreation hall, ignoring all the stares that burn the back of my head inside my hood. 

The smell of freshness of the Earth engulfs my nose as I emerge outside. The rain pours on my head getting my cloths wet, but I continue walking on my path to Zeus's fist.

I sit their for a while, hours maybe, watching the rain fall around me.

I put my hand out and feel the coolness of the transparent liquid on my hands.

As the rainfall seems to slow I pull my hood off. I look at the puddle around my feet and stare at my reflection.

I am not the same person I once was, and I don't know if it's good or bad.

(Now go up top and listen to the song. Please do not go on and read ahead unless you absolutely have too.I believe the song goes really well with the emotions Haze is feeling and I would love for y'all inputs on how you thinks it connects to Haze, or maybe even yourself.)

I looked up at my reflection, my eyes, that shone the color of dampened soil in the summer trying to cover the blue and green hews around the iris. Some say their stunning, I say they show me ambitions of myself trying to cover up my past.

I pulled my hand up and touched my once dark locks, that always danced in black. I stared at the whiteness of it now. Exquisite as fresh snowfall, but easy to damage as the same.

My pale skin and the show of me not eating a lot, brought out the sharp structure on my bones making them stick out on my face.

I glanced at the world around me that still seemed to be the same, but looking back at myself, I knew what was different.

I was, and probably won't be the same.

A flash of orange flames appearing in front of me. A shadow of a young girl grew to a 30 year old woman, whose face held a smile.

"Hello M'Lady" I bowed my head at her.

"Stop that this instant," she replied with a smack on my head.

I gave her a smirk before saying as you wish.

"Come here." She said opening up her arms.

I smile appeared on my face before I stood and enveloped her in a hug.

"Hello Hestia, what can I do for you?" I asked as I pulled away.

Her smiled instantly dropped as she replied with saying she has news.

I took a deep breath before nodding her direction for her to continue.

"Haze, you have to tell someone." I opened my mouth to cut in before she held her hand up saying she was going to continue without any interruptions.

"Haze, I'm saying this for your own good. The gods are growing more skeptical, and I believe it will put them at ease for someone they trust to know. It also allows you to get some weight off your shoulders as well and I don't want you to always be carrying around these burdens."

" Hestia, you know why I don't." I said.

" I don't care! You've had enough hiding. It's time for you to move on and stop hurting yourself with the pain. You know Olympus realized their mistake later in life. Anyways you just have to tell one person and that person will come in front of the council and tell them their input on this circumstance. I just want you to be happy again, and I know right now you are hurting still."

I put my head down in my hands and breathed into them. "Who?" I asked with a huff.

Moments of silence surrounded me before I lifted my head up and saw Hestia smiling.

"Well that's up to you, but I want you to keep one thing in mind Haze."

"What?" I asked begrudgingly as she continue to smile at me sneakily.

"Not everyone betrayed you." She replied before flashing away in a fire swirl.

I small smile appeared on my face, as I understood what she meant.

I quickly pulled my hood up and headed in the direction, where I knew this person will be at.

I'm evil, I know.

So who do you think it is?

Until next time :)

Percy Jackson Shattered like GlassOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz