Chapter 33

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Haze's P.O.V.

I made my way to the center of the campfire, a tradition they have every night even when I was a camper.

The smell of burnt wood and roasted marshmallows filled the air. The swirling gray of smoke filled the sky, as it came from the vortex of orange flame.

I looked at all the shadows that reflected off the fire, searching for one face in particular.

Familiar faces came into view and a swarm of emotions hit me, some good and some bad.

I saw Thalia, Phoebe, and Brianna gave me curious looks, with a silent question on what I'm looking for.

I saw the seven, well six, huddled around listen to whatever Leo was talking about, and decided to ignore the stare burning in the side of my head from Hazel.

I saw faces of the campers and hunters I have saved smiling, talking, and finally seeming that this is their home and where their family is.

I looked around at all the smiling faces, the laughs, and the joyous atmosphere coming off of everyone and finally decided something.

I want it again.

I quickly looked around through all the campers until my eye connected with baby blues one.

Will Solace, son of Apollo, I talked with him a lot while I was in the medical tent, but never gotten close enough to call him a friend friend, you know more of a acquaintance.

I make my way over to him and sit beside him. A lot of curious stares are thrown over our way, but I choose to ignore it.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask.


"Yes I have a question for you." I reply and nod my head to the woods, indicating let's go talk somewhere private.

He gives me a blank look before his eyes twinkle with recognition to what I'm saying.

We get up and start making our way into the forest engulfed in a dark tarp of black.

I notice people ask him if he needs help or what's happening and him give them curt nods that he's fine.

We continue are way through the woods until we come to a small clearing and I know theirs no eyes following us.

"Soooooo, what did you want to talk to me about?" Will asks while twirling his thumbs for his nerves.

"I wanted to ask if you knew where Nico is. I noticed he wasn't at his cabin earlier and wasn't at the campfire." I reply.

He gives me a dark look before saying, "What do you want with my boyfriend?"

"I have something I need to tell him, so do you know where he is?" I answer back with a little errancy in my voice.

"Whatever you want with him you can tell me." Will states.

"I need to tell Nico." I reply.

"Whatever it is you can tell me."

Curse your stupid possessiveness over someone you love.

"Fine." I say with dark eyes. "But if you tell anyone I will kill you before even think of opening your mouth again."

He gives me a frightening look before his eyes open really wide. My hands land on the top part of my hood and I pull it down.

His eyes swarm with mixed emotions, kinda like not knowing what he's looking at.

Am I that ugly? I think. Of course not, remember Haze, you're gorgeous.

"You want to know something why I wanted Nico," my eyes grow darker as my words continue, "Because this isn't even my real self."

I close my eyes and concentrate on my power to transform. I feel my skin and hair transform back.

My hair turns raven black as my skin turn dark tanned. The only thing that looks different right now of my old self, is my eyes.

They will always stay that peculiar color as they are what truly show that I have changed, and I'm not my old self.

I see Will's face contort in different emotions, but overall swarm with grief.

I watch the tears fall off his checks with sadness.

"P-P-Percy?" Will asks almost if he doesn't believe it.

"Percy Jackson is dead, I am Haze now. I just want to know where Nico is." I say.

"Pe-Haze you know you've been decided not guilty."

"I don't care! I just want to know where Nico is!" I exclaim.

"H-he's probably at the beach."

"Thank you." I say, as I pull my hood back up. I start my way away from Will and onto the trail that leads to the beach.

"I'm s-s-sorry Percy, for everything." Will says, making me stop in my tracks.

"Remember what I said about telling anyone." I reply and walk away from a crying Will, back into the dark blanket covering the forest.

Why did Sally Jackson name Percy Peruses?

I love the part where Haze starts letting some of his sarcasticness out again.

Till next time

~J.F. :)

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