Chapter 7

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                                   Haze's P.O.V.

When I first appeared in the throne room I was confused, it took me a second to realize of course know wonder the hunters have been tracking me. Zeus wants to be able to no everything all the time.

I quickly muttered a curse under my breath as all the Olympians flashed in with all there dramatic ways.

The thing that confused me the much was when Poseidon flashed in. Honestly, he looked like he just ran a marathon then got hit by a truck.

I wonder what happened.

I made eye contact with Lady Hestia and she quickly shook her head. I hope she not upset with me for being here. But hey, it's not like I asked to be.

I nodded my head and replied  to what Zeus was on about. You can really tell that he's gotten more dramatic over the years. Great.............

I was a little surprised when they summoned the demigods. I saw old faces, new faces, and faces I never wanted to see again.

They all looked the same, maybe with new hair styles, but I knew it was them. They all had a distraught face.  I couldn't look at them any longer, to many memories ,so I turned and looked back at the gods.

Zeus quickly grew annoyed as many children was yelling at me to talk, so he summoned them away.
Well, I guess that helps with the awkwardness a little.

"Haze, why have you been helping our children get to camps?" Asked Hera.

I smiled a daunting smile and lifted my head up so you could see the bottom half of my face.

I watched as everyone's face quickly drew to curiosity.

" Well Lady Hera, why shouldn't I? It's not like you gods were helping your children get to the camps."

I watched the uproar and smirked.

Zeus picked up his lighting bolt.

Poseidon picked up his triton.

"Let me blast the punk!" Shouted Ares.

" QUIET!" Shouted the one person nobody expected. I smirked at this, Lady Hestia.

The gods all gave her questioning looks.

Hestia, at her own pace, came down from her throne and walked over to me. She put her arms around me and gave me a hug.

I quickly bent down and hugged the 8 year old goddess.

"Haze, I have missed you." She said.

She turned around to the confused consul and said, " Everybody this is Haze. Haze is my champion, and I was the one who assigned him to save the demigods."

All their faces were shocked once they learned Hestia has a champion.

" How long have you known this man?" Questioned Athena.

Hestia looked at me and I nodded. "Haze here is 768,and I have known him for 756 years of his life."

We got a lot of curios glances from that one.

" Where was he when we had the wars?"Asked Hermes.

" I was there, you just didn't know." I replied in a dark voice that sent shivers throughout the room.

Hestia yanked on my cloak, and I sent a sly slime down to her.

" I agree that we should trust him if Hestia does- " started Athena but was interrupted by a lot of no's and huffs.

" But," Shouted Athena, " We should see his face."

The smirk quickly fell from my face.

" Haze." Said Hestia. " It's alright you have nothing to worry about. Your know longer the man you once was, no one will recognize you."

I sent her a warm smile before I put my hands on the top of the hood. I quickly pulled it back. I could feel a breeze on my face. Something I haven't felt for a while.

It felt good to be free from the hood for a while.

But I didn't last long as chaos overcame the consul.

Muahhahahahhahaha I left a cliff hanger :)

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