Chapter 5

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Haze P.O.V.

When I was younger, I dreamed of flying. I would close my eyes and drift off into the land of my mind.

I would dream of soaring through the white fluffy clouds and being embraced by the comfort. I could feel the wind in my hair and across my face. I could see the freedom, and imagine being able to fly away from all of the problems that is on the land. Away from the pain, the hurt, the troubles that appear to be a never ending song on a loop. A song that appears to go on and on and on.

I dreamed of being able to just close my eyes and allow me to slowly rise into the sky. Away from everything, and slowly being able to release all my problems by finally just being able to be me.

Some things don't tend to work out that way though, for this was all just a dream, and we know dreams aren't real or never will be.

I learned that the hard way.

I was running through the forest. The smell of pine and of flowers drifted in the air. The shadows of passing trees eloped me in a sense of peace.

This peace was short lived though as a shout was yelled behind me.

"We almost got him!"

"Catch him!"

"Run faster!"

See this run was not a fun run where you enjoy the scenery and mask in the sun. No, this run was a fast sprint where one is swerving between trees but also dodging arrows that are being shot at me.

I kept pushing and trying. I had to outrun them.
With my target on my mind, I forgot to watch where I was stepping. And one can never be to careful when they are messing with people as sneaky as the hunters.

A patch of leaves covered the ground over a net that I stepped into.

I wriggled and shook but new it was no use.


"We got him!"

The dread of those yells enveloped me. Oh, no. I'm screwed. Two figures pushed their way through the crowd of girls surrounding me, who was strung up in the air.

One, scared me.

The other, terrified me.

The second figure stepped forward. Lightning sparked out of her hair and the sky rumbled with every step she took.

"M'Lady, we finally caught him! This pest had been a hard one to catch, but clearly still no match for the hunters."

I kept my breath still and even, anticipating the words which will come out of the Goddess's mouth.

"We have some things to discuss."

She walked forward to reach me and let out her hand till in touched my cloak.

We vanished into a flash.

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