Chapter 34

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3rd P.O.V.

As Haze made his way to the camp, he saw something he didn't expect.

It was pandemonium.

The sounds of battle raged in Haze's vision as the bodies of monsters burst into dust and the hunters and campers cried out in pain.

The sound of metal slicing through skin and smashing against bronze rang throughout the clearing as they tried to fight of the massive hordes of monsters.

There were over two hundred monsters in the clearing, packs of hellhounds attacking from the shadows, legions of dracaena, groups of Giants, and hordes of Cyclopes.

I saw some hunters surrounded by the monsters.

Each hunter was their own little island in the sea of monsters, each shining with a silver aura as they were blurs on the battlefield. But Haze knew that with so few hunters and campers fighting, that mass of monsters that they would soon be overwhelmed.

Haze was emotionally tired from his fight in telling Will about himself, but he would not stand by and let the people he was suppose to guard, die on his watch.

He summoned up two huge squares of Ambrosia and stuffed them into his mouth. He began to feel feverous and felt like his blood was on fire. He knew it was dangerous to consume too much of the godly food as it can make him burst into flames, but his gamble paid off as the burning ceased and he was filled with energy.

Wasting no time, he pulled out his two swords, one glowing bronze the other glowing green, and launched himself into the air.

He gained altitude rapidly, 20 feet, 50 feet, till he was one hundred feet in the air. He scanned the battlefield, his mind processing every weak point, planning potential battle strategies, and in no time at all, was able to locate Thalia.

She was a whirlwind of death as she glowed a harsh blue color. Her hunting knives flashed through the darkness as each stroke took put another monster. He watched as she shifted forms as she fought, much like she did when she battled in Manhattan all those years ago.

He ran over to her, considering Artemis was in Olympus and she's the next leader if Artemis is not here.

"Thalia!" He yelled. He saw her jerk in surprise nearly getting hit in the head by a club from a Cyclops. She snarled and slashed her knife across his throat, decapitating his head from his shoulders.

"Haze! Where are you? About time you showed up! As much as I hate to say it, we're not going to last much longer!" She cried out, fighting the whole time she was talking.

"Listen to me," He said back in earnest. " I need you to erect a shield around the hunters and campers and do it quickly!"

Hearing the tone in his, she knew better than to question and threw up silver shields made of pure moonlight around all the hunters and campers. All the kids found themselves incased in silver domes as the monsters bounced off. They looked at the domes in bewilderment before letting out roars of rage, attacking the shields in earnest. Sweat began to form along Thalia's brow as the strain from maintaining multiple shields as monsters beat on them was taxing her strength.

From high in the sky, Percy surveyed the battleground and knew he had to act quickly. Lighting his body, wings, and swords on fire, he closed his wings and plummeted towards the ground.

"FOR NARNIA!" He couldn't help it. He always wanted to say that.

He looked like a flaming comet, hurtling at a fast speed towards the ground. The monsters felt the heat from the fire and looked up in fear and terror at the flaming figure heading towards them and before they could do anything, the figure plowed right into them.

As Percy hit the ground, he hit with such force that the very ground blasted back from the impact, creating a smoking crater.

Fire exploded from the impact point, the shockwave completely obliterating all the monsters within a 50-foot radius.

Haze managed to summon a shield of water around himself, cushioning the impact and casing maximum damage.

The shockwave from Haze's impact caused all the shields around the campers and hunters to disperse, leaving them all unharmed and shocked at the flaming figure that fell from the sky.

Thalia was exhausted, sweating through her clothes and her powers of Artemis taxed. But she couldn't help but be awed and a little intimidated by Haze's display of power, since he's never really showed them to anyone.

And to think he has wings!

The monsters watched in horror at what they thought was a fallen angel, more like demon, walk out of the smoking crater where it just fell.

The figure was clad in black with a hood covering its face, obscuring its feature but two glowing, strange eyes glowed in rage from under the hood.

They watched as two, midnight black wings extended from the figures back and cried out in fear as the wings lit on fire.

The figure looked like a fallen angel, cast from heaven and looking to extract its unholy vengeance on all that got in its way.

Haze smirked as he saw the monsters expression of fear and the campers were looking slightly afraid, with even Thalia looking at him warily.

He pointed his swords at the monsters. "Attack!" He cried as he launched himself at the shaking group of monsters.

He shifted into his warrior mode, shutting down all essential thought and went with his instincts. He became a whirlwind of flaming death, his swords glowing with tongues of Greek Fire as he cut down all the monsters that stood in his way.

He slashed, hacked, blocked, stabbed, rolled, and even flew into the air, all the while destroying monsters.

The hunters watched with wide eyes as they saw their guardian slaughtering the monsters in front of them.

They would never admit it, but they were awed by his fighting prowess, as they watched him behead two Giants at once, before spinning and stabbing a Cyclops in the stomach and shooting a ball of flames at a group of hellhounds.

Thalia was the first to snap out of it, turning to her fellow hunters, brandishing her shield and spear.

"Well? Are you just gonna stand there and let a male have all the fun?" She taunted as she sprinted directly into the fray.

That question broke the hunters out of their daze as they let out a bunch of war cries, before they rushed after their sister. They weren't going to let a man have all the glory!

The campers gave each other warily looks before Clarissa muttered stupid and ran into battle. The campers shook their shoulders before following their comrade into battle.

If you could have wings, what color would you want them to be?

I would want white. <3

Till next time ;)

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