Chapter 24

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3rd P.O.V.

Annabeth sat on her bed, fingering the ring Percy had intended to give her. She had really messed things up.

Thinking about Percy, she recalled all the times he had told her he was going away for a few days, or a week. When she asked for an explanation, he had merely smiled and told her he would return as soon as he could.

As the trips grew more and more frequent, Annabeth had started to become suspicious. Where was Percy going? And why wouldn't he tell her anything? What was with all the secrecy? They were dating now – wasn't he supposed to tell her his secrets, instead of keeping them from her?

Looking back on it now, Annabeth scolded herself.

You know Percy better then that. He wasn't cheating on you, he was planning to propose! He was proving to Mom that he was worthy of you! And look what you've done. You and your pride, you ruined the best thing you ever had. And now you'll never get him back.

Annabeth put her head in her hands, letting a tear escape from under her closed lids. How could she have been so stupid? She didn't even really like Derek. She had let her suspicions make her insecure and her doubts get the better of her.

In a foolish attempt to protect her pride and her emotions, she had decided to break up with Percy before she found out he was cheating on her, or before he broke up with her.

She couldn't stand the humiliation either option would bring, but sitting here, knowing what she had done, knowing how wrong she was, was ten times worse.

She just wished that he had slapped her  or at least say some harsh words for her cheating on him after everything they've went through, especially with his brother .

But he embraced her. He hugged her and gave her his blessing.

Steeling herself, she wiped her eyes and put the ring back on her finger. She stood and left the cabin, headed towards the Big House.

************** Line Break*************

Haze landed atop Half-Blood hill, as he wasn't sure whether or not the magical barriers would allow him back into camp, and it really wouldn't be fun to be hit with a magical force field. He'd tried it before and sometimes it worked other times it didn't, but considering he was a child of Hestia now,it will.

Petting Peleus on the head on his way in, he took off the moment he crossed the border, bent on not letting anyone see him.

Haze watched as the hunters followed their huntress into camp.

They were the only reason he was here and he was determined to leave as soon as he could.

Haze watched as people started making their way up the hill to greet them.

He missed them.


He wanted to hug them.


He felt lonely.


He shook his head, he had a new family now, and he wasn't about to forget that.

Haze walked up behind the hunters, ignoring the stares from campers,and followed them as they started walking towards the big house probably for a meeting.

When they got to the big house, they were greeted by a blonde.

Haze recognised her.

He would never forget her.

Annabeth Chase. Her stormy grey eyes were shining with happiness, and he didn't not notice the gleam of sadness .

She still looked the same as ever, blonde princess curls, stormy grey eyes, dagger strapped to her hip.

But he no longer felt anything for her.

"Chiron has got the councilors together and are ready for a meeting to discuss our plans." She announced.

"Hunter to your cabin. Thalia, Phoebe, and Haze stay." Said Artemis.

Annabeth smiled which turned into a curious glance for seeing the hooding figure, before following him inside.

Sorry it's short :/

I tried ......

Anyways if you could be either Norse or Egyptian which one would you rather be?

I would be Egyptian :)

Till next cheerios

Percy Jackson Shattered like GlassΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα