Chapter 19

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                                 3rd P. O. V.

"No way we cook that." Stated the two as they leaned against a tree.

Two huntresses came and took the preys,Haze brought back from hunting, before dragging them to the kitchen.

Haze saw the hunt chat and he smiled a bit, closing his eyes for a bit.

But he was called.

"Guardian !" Called the goddess of the Hunt.  Haze stood up and faced his boss.

"What can I do for you Milady?" Artemis looked at him without blinking, making him uncomfortable.

"Can you please stop staring." Artemis blinked.

"Come with me. I want to see what you can do with your weapons."  Haze nodded and walked behind her to the training area. There was dummies aligned.

"Begin with your spear." Ordered the goddess. Haze  took out his spear and took a ready stance. A second later, he jumped to the dummy and began to slash and stab swiftly, making the weapon turn and swirl in his hands. And in less that five minutes, the dummy fell apart. Artemis nodded slightly.

"Daggers." Haze unsheathed his two bones daggers and hacks in the next dummy, stab occasionally. He was using a more mobile technic. Knowing from experience that a dagger user needed to be fast, agile and never be in the same place. Artemis conjured a ball and threw it at the young recruit.

He was back to the goddess. Hacking the dummy when he felt a tingling in his neck. He stabbed the target and spun on a heel, unsheathing his metallic knife and throwing it at an object coming at him.

The impact stopped the ball and it fell on the floor, pierced.. Artemis nodded and rose. she walked calmly to him.

"Not bad, you still need improvements but you have some technique, I wasn't expecting that much from a boy. Now take your sword."Haze went to the rack grabbing a bronze sword. Artemis conjured her hunting knives and took a battle stance.

The masked man  gulped. He experienced the strength of the goddess and was wary of her. But he assured his grip on the blade and ran to her. He dropped and slid under her before shooting on his feet and spinning to slash at the goddess. His blow was parried and she answered with her other dagger. Haze  twisted out of the way and kicked her hardly in the sternum, but she avoided it by leaning back matrix style. Haze pushed on his other leg to propel himself in the air in a spinning way. And when the goddess straightened her back. She saw the foot of Haze coming at high speed and she couldn't stop it. She was thrown back a meter away and Haze landed on his feet and launched a series of slashes to the goddess. She parried and avoided all of them and answered with a rapid sequence of blows.

The exchanged lasted ten minutes of them slashing, jumping, taking blows and avoiding them. Until Haze began to tire. After fifteen minutes, Artemis disarmed the guardian who raised his hands in defeat, having a dagger at his throat.

Artemis dismissed her daggers and nodded at Haze.

"You are natural with a sword, a great swordsman. But I can feel in you that you are abyssal with a bow. Well, you'll have to train in close quarter combat then. Your training begin tomorrow with me. At sun rise. Don't be late." Stated the goddess with a stern voice.

Haze nodded and walked back to the dining area, we he stepped in it, he felt a rope tightening on his ankle and he realized too late what it was. Next thing he knew, he was upside down. And in front of him was Brianna, a huntress who visibly hated him. He scowled. Brianna only laughed.

"So, the beast has been captured, I can have my fun then." Unknown to them, Phoebe was watching it, as well as Artemis, Thalia and a few huntresses.

Brianna prepared a blow and attack, but her fist was intercepted by Haze's hand. She looked stunned for a second and tried to pull back. But the masked man gripped harder, making her wince in pain. He twisted her arms and she fell. The guardian used that moment to cut the rope and landing on his feet.

Brianna stood up and faced him. His colorful eyes were slowly pulsing.

He growled  softly to warn her but she didn't took the warning seriously and tried a right hook on him. He deflected it with his left wrist and sucker punched her in the stomach with his right hand. She flew back and landed hard on her back. He slowly walked to her.

Brianna tried to use her blessing of Artemis.

Haze suddenly stopped walking when he was right I don't of Brianna.

"I don't want enemies. I don't know what happened to you girls. From what I understand, you don't trust men. Well, I'm not like the others, I never encounters any other of my kind, you are the first humans I see. I promise I won't hurt any of you in any way. I promise on the Styx." He didn't know where this swear came from, but he somehow knew it was dangerous. Thunder sealed the oath and the huntresses were shocked.

Haze offered his hand to Brianna. She looked hesitant but took it and Haze pulled her to her feet.

Brianna looked at him and saw determination in his strange eyes. She smiled a bit and nodded.

What Rick Riordan world would you want to be thrown into? Greek? Roman? Norse? Egyptian?

I think Norse would be pretty cool.

Magnus Chase here I come!

Till next time cheerios :)

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