Chapter 44

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    Before you read I would like to say that this has been a great ride.

3rd P.O.V.

Nico awoke with a jump.

Covered in sweat he quickly threw back his bedsheets before crawling out of bed. He ran to his sink and started splashing water in his face.

The thoughts are accelerating inside his head. He wanted them to slow so he can breathe but they won't. His breaths come in gasps, and he felt like he will black out.

His heart was hammering inside his chest like it belongs to a rabbit running for its skin.

The room spins, and he squatted on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something his brain and body can cope with.

He felt so sick.

He ran out of his cabin, looking outside for all the damages.

There was none.

He pinched himself until it hurt before looking up, seeing his surroundings were still the same.

He sprinted to the Poseidon cabin, slamming the door open in the process. The smell of sea salt engulfed his nose, not making him fall back like it usually does, but his eyes had a look of determination for something,more like someone, instead.

He saw Percy fall out of his bed making the thump echo, before giving a confused look at Nico.

Nico ran towards Percy and hugged the life out of him.

"Hey, hey, hey, I know I'm irresistible and all, but I have a girlfriend and you have a boyfriend." Percy said sarcastically.

"I'm just happy you're here." Nico replied, still squeezing the life out of Percy.

"Why wouldn't I b-" Started Percy, before a scream could be heard from the forest.

The boys looked at each other before setting into action.

"Come on!" Shouted Percy as he quickly grabbed his pen, and ran towards the scream.

Reaching upon a clearing in the dark forest, Nico saw Percy kill a hellhound before helping a kid up.

"Hello I'm Percy, and over there's Nico. I know this all might be strange, but I assure you it's perfectly natural, well for us. We are demigods, and welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

The boy looked around with an evil grin, before giving an innocent smile Percy's way.  By the time Nico got a look of the boy's face, words echoed in his ears that made a cold shiver run down his spin.

"My names Derek." Stated the boy.

Nico's eyes widened before he realized what has happened.

He's went back to the past......

I hope all of my lovely cheerios enjoyed my book, this was really fun to make.

I'm also thinking of making a sequel, and it being how Nico tries to stop everything from happening. Also the prophecy will be connecting to this, sooooooo?

Would you all like to read about that?

A lot of the questions you still have will probably be answered in this. It will also explain more about Percy's childhood and what happened that's not in Uncle Rick's story.If so I'm open to suggestions about the book, title, etc. if you guys have any ideas.

I thank you all for being a big part of this book. I hope it was to your likings, and it's unfortunate if it wasn't. I thank you for sticking to this book, and I hope that it connected with your emotions more, because that's what I was going for.

Thank you :)

            ~J.F.   <3

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