Chapter 11

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Haze P.O.V.

I stared at the council. These cursed people.Every single one of them held a great deal to my past life, not anymore though.

I looked from face to face, all had different emotions
swirling in their eyes.

Dionysus- boredom
Athena- curiosity
Artemis- fury, don't understand why
Poseidon- confusion, with some sadness
Hermes- dubiety
Hades- blank
Hera- judicious
Aphrodite- Lust
Ares- rage, who was still stuck to the chair :)
Hephaestus-Concentration on the gadget that was in his hand
Demeter- happy, with who knows what

I looked into Hades obsidian, dark eyes and nodded my head in respect. He gave me a curious look, but before I knew it a flash back was replaying in my mind.
Darkness. That's all I could see. Nobody. Nothing. Everything around me was covered with a dark mesh. True I could've lit up my hands to see but truth is I didn't want to see where I was. Didn't want to see the damage I caused as I ran through the forest.

Broken hearts tend to do that to people. Broken hearts always tend to make people perform the rashest of all decisions. But who's to know what would happen if a heart gets broken. The one who broke it? Of the one who got it broken? I guess no one does.

I heard a distinct rustle in the forest but I ignored it. I wanted to rest, to escape the harsh reality of life, to escape the fast and unpredictable life of a demigod. Suicide seems like the only option. Oh how it looked so enticing. The edge of a blade beckoning me to slice myself open.

The idea of pissing off a God so much that he killed me. All throughout the Giant war, I thought these thoughts. I thought about how simple life would have been for everyone had I not existed. How simple life would be for me if I was a mortal.

I uncapped my sword, the action more like a subconscious activity, and marveled at its glistening blade. I ran my palm across it, thinking about how it would feel as I run it through my stomach. I wanted to feel it. I wanted to leave this hellhole of a life I've been living. I wanted to die on the spot.

"Be calm, my dear hero," A soothing voice whispered in my head, "It's no use troubling yourself with such dark thoughts." A very familiar voice that had stuck with me during my many quests.

I ignored the voice. Why should anyone care about what I thought? I was never special to them. Never special to my father. Never special to my own girlfriend. Never to the Olympians.

"Your friends are here," The voice assured me, "They care about you. They love you."

My father made sure that they didn't. Declining godhood was the greatest offence for him. The old fool. His second son is worse. Always at camp. Everyone cared if he stayed. Nobody cared if I left.

They all loved him. The all loved him for his boyish face. His charm. Everything. They all loved him. Every single one of them.

"Cease this line of thinking." The voice commanded.

Every single one of them. Even her. The great Annabeth. The favorite of Athena. The hard to tame girl. The one who fell the hardest for him. The one who couldn't resist a chance to talk to him. To the slayer of Enchinda.

I looked at the ring in my hand, the one I was using to purpose to my wise girl,squinting at it with the help of my sword. I looked at it closely and thought about all the crap I went through for it. All the secret quests for Athena. The repetitions of Hercules' tasks. Each and every one of them.

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