Chapter 36

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Are we alive or just existing?
Are we just moving in this world as robots, waiting until the time where you can finally be happy?
Noticing, that the ones who smiled the brightest hurt the most.
The ones who laughed the loudest cried the most.
The people who loved the hardest were never loved for.
Everyone had their story, some worst than others - but is that true?
We're people hurt more than others?
A monster is created because of the crack of darkness that broke through the innocent red heart and spread the darkness until the was rotten, leaving behind nothing but a black heart of nothing.
When you gaze into the eyes of a killer, a rapist, a person - you'll see their pain, and although it's no excuse, but it is a reason.
Why did you hurt me?
Is something that you'd ask a monster, it is a question they've once asked to something they've once called a monstrosity.
This is why there is a thing called forgiveness because even the smallest things that are said or done, can cause a crack so tiny but open the door for the darkness that sucks up the innocence and the love.
Some even tear themselves apart creating their own wound, that just can't be healed.
If you give pain, aren't you creating the pain?
Beware when you come across a monster, because once they've been inflicted with pain they'll inflict pain on you.
Until you are just as mean and visous as they are. Some tell their children monsters aren't real but they are, because that same person who could be telling that child that stupid sentence, is the one who created a monster.
Although you can't see the wound you've cause, every word that leaves your mouth creates a person all is feared of.
There are still some who've had a crack of darkness but still hold on to the innocence that's fighting with all it's power to keep the dark out.
Sometimes, a fight never ends and war will always be brought.
Sometimes, you have to give up and just stop fighting.
Want world peace?
It's never going to happen unless one country just quits.
Would your country quit and become part of  the valley of despair, or continue fighting until the other country quits?
Do you wanna go home as the losers in this battle or the winners?
Why be a loser with peace instead of a winner with control?
Would you continue holding your breath as you're shoved under water, or open your mouth and let the fate come that you already know awaits you?
Would you hold your breath?
Would you keep the oxygen inside your lungs just a little bit longer, just long enough to reach the surface.
Or would you continue drowning?
Would you continue sinking into the dark abyss that awaits your fate?
Would you gaze into the face of your monster and understood why they did it, or automatically want to win this battle and make them pay?

Annabeth's P.O.V.

I couldn't do anything but watch, in so much shock and fear to help.

Haze fought so strange and majestic, but yet so similar and uncoordinated. It reminds me of something,more like someone, but it doesn't matter he's never coming back.

Haze stepped forward but paused, turning his head slightly in my direction. My heart was beating faster and faster nonstop out of nervousness. I was about to bolt away, thinking Haze was coming after me next from his determined look.

But what happened next surprised me.

I watched as Haze's eyes glazed over to Thalia before he started stagger.His eyes fluttered until they came to a stop.

I watched as he fell onto the ground as if it was in slow motion.


After making sure others were cared for in the infirmary, I started making my way over to a bed with a scarce amount of guest.

His snowy, white hair turned dark from all the mud and blood coated on his face. His brilliant eyes were no longer shinning. His pale skin shown as if he's never seen light before.

Even with all the blood, mud, and gush on him, I still found him beautiful. Not in the way I found My Seaweed Brain, but in the way that he put others before himself.

We had 18 injuries today and no deaths, something I believe happened because he pushed himself to the limit to make sure we were okay.

At first I thought this was a person who was just here to betray us, but now I'm starting to waver my decision.
I stared at his black hood that was covered in dirty that it was passed the stream of being called filthy.

When I look back and see the enchanting face of the guardian of the hunt in just presents me with so much more questions.

Why does he wear the hood?
I don't seem to get is why someone so beautiful would choose to cover them self.
Why would someone so beautiful choose to hide in this persona of being a monster?
I understood in why he was called one to monsters in the way he fought,but why to others.
What has he done to them?
Is it really bad?
But the one question that keeps lingering and bouncing off the walls in my mind and nagging at my brain is:
Who created this monster?


If you could meet one Greek Hero who would it be?

Honestly I'm kinda biased, but I would choose to meet Leo any day.

Till next time :)~ J.F.

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