Chapter 22

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                                Artemis's P.O.V.

I am regretting leaving Haze at the camp. We were hunting what we thought was a single hellhound but had ended up being a large pack, big enough to cause trouble for my hunters, but with me here they would be fine.

As I was preparing my bow to attack the hellhounds a godly presence appeared on the battle field. I looked to the presence to see Hyperion standing on the battle field. I spun around and saw Hyperion using his powers to badly burn Mary.

I charged in rage and slashed at him with my hunting knives. He easily parried my attacks with his sword. His burning eyes looked almost pleased. I was confused but I wouldn't let him win.

"Come now Artemis, you are no match for me." He said as he dodged a slash of my hunting knives and cut my cheek with the tip of his sword. I hissed in pain before swiping at his stomach.

When my knives got close, flames sprang up forming a wall. My knives were sucked into the flames and dropped onto the ground glowing white hot.

I tried to get away to use my bow but he swept my legs out from under me.

Before me was one thing I hated most, a man who deemed himself better than me because of gender. As he raised his sword to finish me he smirked.

"You should've run Artemis; you were never a match for me. Now the first blood in a glorious war!" He cried as he swung downwards. I closed my eyes, but instead of feeling the impact of a sword I heard the impact of celestial bronze on celestial bronze.

"Get away from Lady Artemis!" Cried out my mystery saviour. I opened my eyes to see Haze standing over me, his sword out in front of him glowing with a faint bronze light.

He was standing over me protectively, blocking Hyperion from getting near me.

    •••••••••••••Haze's P.O.V.••••••••••••••••

"So Hyperion, I've got to know. What was it like in the tree?" I questioned as I stood over Artemis. The flames surrounding him flared up to an extreme, the grass around him was catching fire.

His eyes raised in recognization. " I'll kill you for that humiliation!" Bellowed Hyperion as he charged forward again.

"You can try!" I replied before charging towards him as well.

We met in a clash of bronze, sword matching sword. Hyperion tried to use his fire to his advantage but I pulled water from the air around us to create a light mist that made it too damp for his flames to gain any ground.

We were now battling in swordsmanship and power. I knew he would overpower me soon so I needed to outsmart him, crap.

I tried to think while battling Hyperion, I was matching him blow for blow but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up. I focused some of the water from the mist and formed an icicle and launched it at him.

It didn't hit him but he had jumped back to avoid it, giving me the time I need to glance around the battlefield.

"Pathetic Jackson. Such little tricks as a mist won't work on me for long." Said Hyperion, only loud enough for me to hear, as his flames started to overpower the mist. "But it's all to be expected from the spawn of the weakest of the big three. But not just any spawn, a disowned one." Continued Hyperion.

I laughed, quietly at first before gradually getting louder until I was outright mocking Hyperion.

"Zeus is king of the gods, considered the strongest. Hades is lord of the dead and is considered second because of his cunning. And Poseidon is disregarded. My ex-father is like the sea, calm on the surface but constantly moving underneath. Always deadly, always powerful. Poseidon doesn't enjoy conflict, he let Athena win the completion for patron of Athens, and even Poseidon knows that a salt water spring is useless." I said, rage starting to build in me.

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