Chapter 8

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                                Artemis P. O.V.
            ( betcha didn't see this coming)

I looked around the consul to see their faces as the masked hunter took off his hood. They all had faces of determination, confusion, or hopefulness (  aka Poseidon)

I felt bad for him since he lost his favorite son, but that of course was his own fault as he could have protected him better.

Perseus Jackson, the only man to ever gain my respect. I felt like the whole consul secretly wished that whomever this man was, was him.

I turned my attention to the masked hunter. Like how in the world how he gained a patron, especially Lady Hestia whom has never had one.

He slowly put his hands up to the hood and pulled it back.

Chaos appeared in the throne room. ( not chaos chaos but like mad chaos)

The man in front of us was not the one we had wished. It was not Perseus.

I looked to Poseidon who had a slumped back into his chair with a downhearted face.

I watched as Zeus demanded to know his actual identity. You see my brother, Apollo, told Zeus that he lied when he told his name as Haze, just as I suspected.

I looked at Ares as he threaten to plummet him to the ground for disrespecting us.

All the gods and goddesses had different reactions.

Aphrodite was practically drooling.

Hades had a death glare, as if something was off about him.

Dionysus had a strange look in his eyes, and so on.

I turned my attention back to Haze or the masked hunter and studied how he looked.

This man had snow white,the shade of the purest crystal hair. It looked like it has never seen the sun, but I was so pure you would think it was the ground after the first snowfall. He had pale skin, which probably explains why his hair is so white, he probably never goes into the sun.

He had red marks at part of his neck, that I couldn't read or see what it was, but besides that he was built.

He was well built like working out  was the only thing he ever seen to do. If I couldn't tell he was not a god I would've guessed he was. He had the structure as the Olympians and the authority as well.

He looked right out of the gods statues expect his eyes.

They were exactly like how the demigods would say, ' So beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful, that no words could really describe them.'

They were bright blue like a frozen pond in the middle of winter, with random sea green specs in them, as if the pond was starting to crack, and had a orange rim around the pupil.

They looked as if he was a broken soul and the only way he thought to heal himself was by making himself stronger.

I looked away from his eyes to see he was whispering something to Hestia.She smiles before nodding.

Haze looked around the consul room, making brief eye contact with me. He gave a sly smirk before turning towards Zeus, who was still yelling at him.

He slammed his fist to the ground  were the whole throne room, probably all Olympus shook, except where he and Hestia were standing.

" Now that you've all quieted down, let me tell you my story." Haze says.

"How dare you-" started Zeus.

"Ta-Ta-Ta. Zeusy you better not interrupt me while I'm speaking, you know that's incredibly rude."

Zeus's face turned bright red. He was about to open his mouth, but looked at Haze who has a little tornado on his finger that was getting bigger by the minute.

Haze smiles a devious smile, before nodding at Hestia.

" M'Lady," he bows while speaking. Hestia smiles while giving him a kiss on the cheek  and slowly walks up to her throne.

Hermes and Apollo start bursting out laughing as Zeus's face grows to a brighter shade of red.

Other Olympians were in chuckle or either trying not to laugh at that.

Haze smiles, full on smiles at that.

"Let's begin." he states as he looks me directly in the eyes.

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