15. A Grunt and a Guzma's Revenge

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(Image Credit: Deer-Head on DeviantArt)

(Long Chapter)

"B-boss! You need to teach them a lesson! Gladion and some girl disrespected us!"

"Those jerks hurt my cute little pokemon and ruined my hair!"

"That girl Y/N had a Z-Ring and hurt Garbodor..."

Guzma rolled his eyes at the wailing grunts.

"You guys are worthless."  He got up out of his throne and stretched, groaning tiredly. "...The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up..."  He turned to Zipp with a smirk.

"Gladion and who?" 

He gulped. "Y-Y/N sir..."  Guzma nods and looks out through his broken window watching Pikipek fly in the air in groups.

"Y/N? Never heard of that name. But as for Gladion, things are about  to get interesting."

Back to Sun and Gladion, they stood silently and glared at each other but ready for battle. They sent  their pokemon on the field, Sun determined to beat Gladion and Gladion determined to beat Sun. 

"Ladies first,"  the blonde one mocked. He rolled his eyes and focused on Litten who stared at Umbreon inquiring.

"Litten, Fire Fang!"  The inside of the pokemon's mouth became covered in flames as well as being surrounded red aura. Litten ran towards Umbreon.

"Shadow Ball!,"  yelled Gladion. Umbreon forms a black and purple ball in front of itself and fires it at Litten. Sun clenched his teeth. "Dodge it!"  Litten quickly dodges it and bites down painfully on Umbreon scorching his back in the process. Gladion clenched his fist.

"Tch. Shadow Ball again!"

Y/N glanced at the battle happening in front of her in concern. She sighed and decided to return back to Popplio who was  still napping under the tree snoring away.

"Those boys I swear! Sun is getting ahead of himself and Gladion is definitely trying to show off...but for what reason?"  She sat next  to Popplio and closed her eyes. She did not care to observe the battle between those idiots as she was too tired and felt a bit pushed away. This was a good time to get some rest however...

"Boss, that's her!"

"Be quiet Rapp!"

"G-guys, you're going to get use caught..."

The grunts hid a few feet away behind the bushes near Y/N. They giggled and smirked at one another excited for their ambush. Guzma yawned as he crouched behind them looking around observing the area.

"Look at her sleeping away!,"  Tupp exclaimed while rubbing his hands. Rapp nods happily and glares at Sun and Gladion who were distracted with their battle.

"Hey boss, when are we gonna confront these guys?,"  asked Zipp. Guzma grunts and pushes them away to get a better view. He sees Y/N and Popplio and then Sun. He turned his head towards Gladion, a grin appearing on his face.

"...Well then, what are we waiting for? Remember to stick to the plan you idiots!"

Y/N quickly opened her eyes.

...Did I just hear  rustling behind me?

 She quickly turned around but saw nothing. She scratched her head and turned back to see the boys  still at it with their pokemon battle. Y/N looks back at Popplio.

"...Was it my imagination? I could have swo-"

Suddenly big white claws grab her and pull her behind the tree. Y/N lets out a shriek before being restrained. She squirms and kicks around, her eyes  suddenly becoming wide when she sees who the culprits are.

Sun and Gladion stop battling.

"...What was that noise?,"  said Sun worriedly but suspicious. "It sounded like..."  Gladion looked around and his eyes narrowed at  the tree. He didn't see his lover. All of a sudden thick black smoke started to surround them and made it hard to see. They coughed and shifted their eyes alarmed.

 "Where the heck did this smoke come from?," coughed Sun. Gladion shook his head while waving off the fog. 

"...It's the move Haze you idiot."  

He looked around.  "Who's there? Who's doing this?"

"It's big bad Guzma!"

They turned around, the fog starting to clear out.

Team Skull and Guzma stood there smiling wickedly along with Y/N who was being hugged by Guzma's Golisopod in a restraining manner. 

"The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up. Yeah, big bad Guzma is here!"  

Sun was furious. "Who are you guys!? Let go of my sister!"  Gladion glared at them, his Lycanroc growling by his  side. "...Guzma. I should have known that your grunts would cry to you."  He laughed loudly and crossed his arms.

"What can I say? Mess with Team Skull and you mess with Guzma. Now then..."  He turned to Y/N who stuck out her tongue at him. "I'm guessing this girl and Gladion are the ones you guys whined about?,"  asked Guzma ignoring her.

 The grunts nod happily.  

"Hold on."

Everyone turns to Gladion who stepped out. Guzma looked at him pitiful. "What now blondie?"  He smirked as Gladion looked away. "Leave her out of this," he pleaded. Guzma stared at him oddly. 

"...Since when did you start caring about other people?"  He walked towards him, his shadow towering him. Gladion sighed and looked up at him.

"She's just a newcomer. Y/N and her Popplio...they're weak in battles. It's true that she has a Z-Ring but  that was given to her and not earned. I know that because she didn't complete any trials. She isn't a threat  to you or your grunts..."

"...It's me that you want."

Sun stared at him and rolled his eyes.

Thanks for worrying about me you fool.

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