20. Shady House Part 1

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(Image Credit: fishermanarts on pillowfort)

Guzma sat in his throne lazily picking at the scab on his hand that he never lets heal. It was quiet for once in the home of Team Skull. Everyone but him had their thing going on so he just sat on his big chair dying of boredom. The sound of the raindrops could be heard through  his broken window. He had planned to fix that damn thing but just never did.

"...Rainy days, huh?,"  he mumbled. He got up and looked outside. He noticed a blooming flower on the ground near the shattered glass and thrown dirt everywhere, its pot broken but it was  still growing surprisingly. He stared at the flower which was reminding him of  Y/N for some odd reason. Was it  the colors? The way it bloomed like her? Her E/C eyes?

He grabs the flower roughly and slowly starts to crumble it but quickly stops. He sighs deeply and places the flower back on its broken pot and heads to the door.

What am I even doing...I think I need a break for a moment.

In Ula'ula Island, Y/N stood under a tree to dodge the rain. She sighed tiredly with Popplio in her arms looking up at her. She and Sun have come here to this island to explore but when she turned around her brother was nowhere to be seen.

"That idiot,"  she complained to her pokemon, "he always wanders off. He's just like dad, he would always get lost and leave me and mom when we go sightseeing in Kanto."  She looked around in hopes to spot her brother but did not. There was hardly anyone here in route 17 oddly. 

Y/N closed her eyes hoping for the rain to stop when she suddenly felt something around her. It was a black hoodie which had the reek of sweat. It was big on her but warm. She turned around and saw Guzma with a small grin on his face.


Her eyes widen surprised yet confused. "Y-your that guy, Guzma!,"  she shouts. She backs away as he comes out behind the tree. He looks at her awkwardly.

"Er, that's me. But what's a kid like you doing here alone?"  Y/N stares at him uncertain. "...I'm waiting for my brother. We came here together but got separated."  Quickly changing the subject, she focused on his hoodie. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you lend me your hoodie?...," she asked. Guzma shrugged and looked up at  the gray sky. He then looked at her with a bored expression.

 "...Well, it's raining and it looked like you need it more than I do anyway."

Gladion quietly walked towards route 17. He pulled up his hood against his head, a calm but weary expression on his face.

This rain. I feel like it makes the atmosphere depressing yet calming.

He starts to head deeper into the route and sees the isolated police station and infamous Po Town but stops dead in his tracks when he notices Y/N and Guzma talking to one another.

What  the hell?! What is  she doing here? And Guzma...

Gladion quickly runs towards them and protectively stands in front of Y/N who looks at him stunned. Holding onto Guzma's hoodie from falling she glances at both of them who were staring at each other unfriendly.

"What are you doing here?,"  Gladion asked cautiously. Guzma rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean? I basically live here! Can't a guy take a break?,"  he responds.

"Why is Y/N wearing your smelly hoodie?"  

 "I was being a gentlemen! It's raining Wimpods and Spinaraks and the kid didn't have something to keep her dry besides this tree! And my hoodie is not smelly!" 

They argued more and more. Y/N looks around and sighs. She tugged on Guzma's  shirt. "Um, you can take your hoodie back. I think my brother will come soon,"  she said. Gladion could here the doubtfulness in her voice. Guzma however shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"I ain't leaving until your brother comes so keep wearing it."  Gladion stares at him weirdly and irritated. He turns to Y/N.

"...I'm not leaving you with this guy, so I'll stay here too."  

Time has passed by and everyone still waited underneath the tree. Sitting down Guzma played on his phone while Gladion looked around for Sun. Y/N slept tiredly between them, not caring anymore about where she was. Her head began to lean against Gladion's  shoulder and he tried his best  to hide his red face but Guzma noticed and teased him.  

"What's with the blushing blondie? You look real stupid!,"  he chuckled. The trainer glared at him annoyingly. Suddenly Guzma got up and turned towards Gladion.

"So, who's going to carry the kid?"  Gladion stared at him puzzled.

"C-carry? What do you-"

"Blondie, her brother isn't going to show up. Your girlfriend is sleeping and I don't want  to catch a cold. Let's head over to Po Town, I'll make sure things are settled over there."

Gladion glanced at Y/N. 

"...I'll carry her."

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