Chapter 1- Yoongi Arrives

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I got home after a day's work, today I received the news that I won the promotion, which means that now I have more free time to do what I want, the problem is what to do, maybe I could occupy that time with something useful and help someone. I remember seeing a pamphlet about an organization that helps Hybrids.

"What was the name of the organization? Haaaa! I should have read it more carefully! I might be able to find it on the computer!" I thought while making a cup of coffee and starting the computer.

I start looking for something and I eventually find the organization, it seems that this organization rescues hybrids that suffers from abuses, they are then delivered to temporary houses of the volunteers until they have a permanent place for them.

"I don't think it's a bad idea, it wouldn't hurt to have company either. Hmm, I think I'm going to volunteer!" I thought after carefully reading the information. I fill in the form. After that I drinking the rest of my coffee still wondering if it was a good idea or not.

"Hybrids nowadays need all the help they can get, they're raised below animals, I think I did good by volunteering, they should have as much right as we do!" I think knowing that what I am doing is the most correct. With that decision, I turn off the computer, wash the cup and go to sleep, eventually dreaming about what is likely to happen without knowing that everything that is going to happen is what I least expect.

A week's work is over, I wake up Saturday morning for a quiet day to watch the movies I planned to see. I walk down the stairs still yawning thinking of what to do to eat when on the way to the kitchen I almost jump with fright as I hear my cell phone ring.

"Hello?" I pick up the cell phone. "Good morning is from the hybrids help organization we saw your application and we need a residence right away to host a hybrid!" a man on the other line said.

"Ok! I'm available now you can bring him here!" I replied without much time to think about it. "Okay, we'll be there in an hour." the man turns off after speaking. I stay looking at the cell phone in shock.

"1 HOUR!!!" I scream running to the bedroom to dress properly and try to clean the house as fast as I can.

After I got the house clean and presentable, the doorbell rings. I eagerly open the door and see two men, a tall dark haired man with a happy expression and soft eyes, behind him is a short still taller than me man with a empty expression and I can see several injuries in his face and body accompanied with a long black tail wagging behind him and his black ears twitching.

I let them in and I notice that the short one begins to limp, I tell them to sit down and the short one doesn't think twice and sits down, I'm looking at him trying to figure it out what kind of hybrid he is meanwhile the taller one refuses to sit.

"No thank you, I don't have much time! My name is Jackson, one of the owners of the organization. Thank you for helping us! This is Yoongi, he is a black panther, we found him in a rough situation, please take care of him!" the tallest of them said introducing himself.

"No problem! I'm happy to help! Don't worry, his in good hands!" I told him. "Thank you very much, I have to go now. Goodbye Yoongi behave yourself! Goodbye miss and he may have a bit of a temper but he is docile." Jackson said starting to leave."Bye have a nice day!" I say after I led him to the door.

I look at Yoongi and I suddenly think that he may be in pain so before I introduce myself I went to get a glass of water and some painkillers, I stand beside him on the couch and I see that his eyes are closed.

"Yoongi?" I ask softly and carefully. He opens his eyes and looks at me with cold eyes making me almost shiver and fearfully I gave him the painkillers.
After he smells them Yoongi takes the pills knowing it's safe. I celebrate in my head trying not to look at his cute ears and start petting them.

I pick up a cushion to put under his foot, I look at him silently asking for permission and he realizes it because he started to lie down on the couch letting me raise his foot.I sit down on the other couch thinking how I introduce myself.

"I'm Y / N! I'll take care of you in the next few days! How about we get to know each other better?" I start nervous. "I'm Yoongi." he says without elaborating.

"Oh ...." I say knowing I shouldn't ask any more. "Are you hungry? Do you want something?" I ask him. "No." he says, closing his eyes. I let him sleep knowing he needs it and that he will not say anything else.

"Man of few words." I say quietly leaving the room and going to the kitchen to eat breakfast that I had planned without noticing his ears twitching, Yoongi listening to what I said.

"I have to do grocery's, I don't have enough for both of us." I think while eating the few cereals I had. I look at Yoongi laying on the couch, wondering if I should woke him up to say that I was leaving. I decide it's best to warn him and I get up start walking to him, kneeling beside him I start to go to caress his cute ears but I think better and just shake his shoulder.

"Yoongi ......Yoongi!" I call his name softly. He wakes up suddenly scared and grips my wrist tightly but painlessly. "Yoongi, it's me! You're safe, don't worry!" I said to him calmly and a little worried. He looks at me breathlessly and when he recognizes me he releases my wrist and uses his hand to comb his hair.

"Sorry." he says low and without looking at me. "It's okay, you didn't hurt me Yoongi. Don't worry! I woke you up to tell you that I'm leaving. I need to go get some grocery's, do you need anything?" I ask him. He looks at me worried but tries to disguise. "Don't worry, it will be fine!" I told him. He keeps looking at me but he answers, "Hn. I need some clothes and meat, a lot of meat."

"Okay ..... then. I'll be back! If you need anything here, your free to do it!" I answer rising from the side of the couch. Preparing to leave I say goodbye to Yoongi who just nods going back to sleep.

Walking to the supermarket I start thinking about Yoongi, he being a black panther must need a lot of meat, thank god I love meat and hate fish otherwise it would be a disaster. Suddenly I start to smile knowing that even if he only knows me for few hours he showed me he was worried with me, haaaa so cute! But I can't think like that! He's leaving in a few days!

I arrive at the supermarket and start looking for comfortable clothes with his size then I start to go get the part of the food knowing that he being an exotic hybrid should eat a lot of food. I put in the cart several variations of food. After I paid for everything I start to pick up the bags and realize that they are many and very heavy.

"I knew I should have brought the car." I think coming out of the supermarket knowing that even being close to home it was going to be a long and painful trip.

Halfway I hear someone calling my name. I look back and see a colleague of mine from work waving and walking towards me.

"Y/n! Hello!" said coming near me. "Hello Mark, what are you doing here?" I ask him. "I came to visit a friend then I saw you here. I heard you got the promotion, congratulations! Those look heavy! Here, I'll help you carry them!" he says to me happy and looking at the bags. Mark and I started out in the company at the same time but different departments but we kept talking from time to time.

"No, no! There's no need! Don't worry!" I replied shaking my head several times. "No problem! I don't mind! Show me the way!" he said without listening to me , taking the bags and waiting for me to indicate the way.

Unable to convince him otherwise, we start walking to my house talking all the way and forgetting about the hybrid at home that has a bigger sense of smell than normal people.

Note: Hi it's the author! This is my first Hybrid! AU! Please be gentle! If you liked it do not be shy and tell me!!! What do you think it will be Yoongi reaction even if he only knows her for a few hours? Thank you for reading it! ❤💜💜💜😊🙈

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