Chapter 12 - Taehyung Arrives?

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"What do you need Jackson?".

"I found this hybrid running from a gang. There's still more out there and I was close to your house. Can he stay here? I'll pick him up tomorrow!" Jackson says in a rush, very worried. "Of course Jackson! Go go! Go save the others!" "Thank you so much! Don't worry, okay? Your in good hands!" He says to the new hybrid before running out to save others.

I gestured to the new hybrid to have a seat and Jin helps him with his wounds. "Hi, I'm Y/N! These are my hybrids. Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon!" "I'm Taehyung. You can call me Tae." Taehyung says very quietly. "You can call me Jin!" Jin says happy making Tae smile a little. 

"Yoongi, you go get the medical kit. Jin, Namjoon can you prepare him a bath and some clothes?" I ask  them and they nod going to prepare everything. "Don't worry, Y/N is the best! Your safe here." Hobi says and Tae smiles feeling the happy aura coming from the fox. Yoongi comes with the medical kit and I start treating his wounds. He moves away in pain every time I touch them. "Aren't you a tiger? I thought you're supose to be strong." Yoongi says with a smirk making me and Hobi look at him in shock.
The tiger hybrid looks at Yoongi, thinking. I can see the courage growing inside him and with that he let's me treat his wounds without making a sound. "I am strong..." He says quietly to himself, but all of us heard it but didn't say anything.

"The bath is ready Y/N." Jin says. "Okay. Go take a bath and we will wait for you here." I say to the tiger making him get up and go to the bathroom. " I like him" Hobi says making us laugh. "You like everyone Hobi." Says Yoongi, tired as usual. "What's gonna happen to him?" Namjoon says. "I don't know. But for now, he needs a place to sleep." I say. "Well…he can stay in my bed. I can sleep next to Joon.…" Jin says, face flushed of embarrassment making Namjoon smirk. Hobi and Yoongi laugh at him making Jin throw a pillow at them. "STOB IT!" " Well it's settle then! I'm gonna make him something to eat." I say, going to the kitchen.

While I was making food for Tae I didn't notice he already finished the bath. He was with the others in the living room laughing at Jin's jokes. I finish the food and went to the living room, surprised seeing him there. "Oh Tae! you're already here. Here's some food for you!" "Thank you!" He says taking the food happily. I see is long tail waving every time he eats. After he finished, Jin washed his plate. Everyone was silent. I didn't know why until Yoongi started talking.

"The gang that you were running from….. was it call The Black Snake?" "I think so. I only know that they wanted a hybrid tiger for something. How do you know?" Tae asks curious. "We are all from there…." Namjoon says, squeazing Jin's hand. All of them starts telling their story. I was there trying not to cry. "Then how did all of you end here?" Tae asks. "The organization bought me here and Hobi tracked me down ending up here too." Yoongi says. "And Y/N got us out of the streets." Jin says with all of them hugging me and smiling at me happily. "Oh. So you wanted to continue to stay here?" Tae asks. "Yes." With that Tae stops talking, making the room fall in silence.

"Well I think is time to go to bed! Tae you have to share the bedroom with Namjoon and Jin. Is that okay?" I ask him. "I don't mind!" Tae says smiling to Namjin. We all say goodnight to each other with kisses on the forehead and hugs. We saw Tae behind looking sad, so we all hug him good night making the tiger very happy.

Sunday comes fast and I get up feeling very sleepy. I see I'm all alone in my bed so I get up and I see everyone sitting at the kitchen table, talking. "Good morning everyone!" I say kissing Namjoon's, Jin's and Tae's heads while I kissed Yoongi and Hobi on the lips. The tiger looked at us in shock making everyone laugh.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Namjoon asks. "Sleep." Yoongi responds with his head already on my shoulder. "We could go outside!" Says a very happy tiger. And when I'm ready to say yes all of us look at the window noticing it started raining a lot. "Oh..…nevermind." Says Tae with his ears and tail lowered in sadness. "We could play some games together!" Hobi says. "And eat snacks!" Jin says making Tae bright again.

We were playing games and bonding with Taehyung all day, that we forgot that he wasn't staying. I only remembered when there was a knock on the door. "Oh, hi Jackson. Come in!" I say making space for him to come in. "Hi Y/N. Hi everyone!" Jackson says to everyone. "Hey Jackson. How's things going? Did you save the other hybrids?" Namjoon asks him getting up. "Yes, I saved them all. Thank god!" "Where are they now?" Yoongi asks. "Some of them were kidnapped from their homes so we returned them. Some are in the organization and that's why I'm here I have a place for Taehyung now." "Oh. I see. That's good." Jin says.

"It's time to go Taehyung." Jackson says making the tiger sadly walk to him. "It was good to know you Tae! Come visit every time you want, okay?" I say hugging him tightly "I'm gonna miss you TaeTae!" Hobi says hugging him too. Namjoon and Jin don't say anything, they just hug him. "Be strong okay! You're stronger than anyone." Yoongi says to him making Tae nod and with tears in his eyes he follows Jackson out of the door very quietly. I close the door and I see Namjin looking at the ground sad and then Yoongi suddenly goes to our room and slams the door. "I'll check on him." Hobi says to us.

It felt like ages since Tae left and Yoongi locked himself in the room with Hobi. Namjoon was sitting next to me thinking, while Jin occupied himself cleaning. Hobi comes to us and we all look at him. " He had just bad memories. He'll be fine, don't worry." Hobi says quietly, smiling. I get up suddenly, making everyone nervous. I go to my room and I see Yoongi with red eyes laying on the bed. I don't say anything, I just lay down next to him and cuddle him. Then suddenly Hobi comes to his other side and cuddles him too. To my surprise Jin goes to Hobis side and try to cuddle with us and the same with Namjoon on my side.

"Thank you." Yoongi says. "Always." We all say. And we stay like this the all Sunday. Now I know why it's raining…because is a sad day.

Note: Oh no! Taehyung left what now! Thank you for reading! 💜💜💜💜

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