Chapter 7

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Hoseok looks at us with no expression, slowly rising, walks in front of us and says.

"No....." he says then he runs pass the door leaving me to cry in the middle of the living room while Yoongi goes to the room wanting to be alone. "A united family undone because of me!" I tell to nobody. Hours passed and I continued on the floor looking at the wall with no more tears to cry until I felt Yoongi join me and hug me. "Everything's going to be all right." he says. "But what if something happens to him out there and if he never comes home?" I say sobbing. Yoongi doesn't say anything and once again we're sitting there his head in mine waiting for something.

Yoongi and I jumped to our feet when we heard the house door opening. Hoseok carefully enters, stopping once more in front of us. "I'm sorry...... I also like you both..... I didn't know what to do or what to feel….. I didn't know...... I just ran…... sorry…... if the offer is still standing…... "Hoseok says crying. "Oh Hobi! Of course it is! We love you!" I say. Yoongi and I hugged him tightly when I felt Hoseok give me and Yoongi a little kiss on the lips. "Once again the family is united." I think.

We all yawned at the same time and started laughing. "I think we'd better go to bed." I tell them. And we all went to our respective ones until minutes after I got into bed, I felt two pairs of arms around me making me smile and we slept all night together.

The next day I waited to wake up in the middle of them, but opening my eyes I realize that I'm completely alone. Confused I get up and start to go to the kitchen where I hear them talking softly. "...... mine started today and yours?" "Tomorrow most likely.....". Even more confused I go into the kitchen and say. "What are you talking about?" "NOTHING!" they yell suspiciously. And I narrow my eyes at them making them get up and walk away doing their things making me more suspicious.

While eating I decided to research about hybrids maybe I can find out what they were talking about until I came up with an article called 'Hybrid Heat' and I started to read… I choked on food when I realized what it was. Hoseok and Yoongi came running when they heard what happened, Yoongi tries to calm me down and help while Hoseok fetches me a glass of water.

"What the hell happened to you woman?!" Yoongi asks. "I DISCOVERED WHAT YOU TWO SPEAKING! EXPLAIN!" I scream at him showing the article. I wasn't angry but rather shocked and surprised and confused. Hoseok looked at me in shock, opening and closing his mouth several times. Yoongi sighs. "So heat is ......" he begins to explain everything "Basically we have to mate with somebody. Have our release."Yoongi finish the explanation. I look at them without expression making the hybrids look down. "Okay….. I don't care about this! Is normal for your kind! It's okay to me. But why you guys didn't tell me?"I say making them surprised. " We thought that it could make you uncomfortable. " Hoseok says," Oh Hobi, Yoongs! There is nothing that makes me think bad of you or uncomfortable! If there's any problem, tell me! "I tell them," Is there anything we can do with this or ...? "" Well there are pills that relieve us or you also you know do it..... "Yoongi says.

Blushing I look at them and I can see the lust in their eyes. They try not to make me uncomfortable but I know what they want to do, I take in their hands and lead them, confused, to the bedroom. After realizing what I wanted ... we did it you know ....

The days after what happened pass slow and with embarrassing moments ....

* I was passing the bathroom when it open and from there a very naked Yoongi comes out. "YOONGI! COVER YOURSELF WITH A TOWEL!" I scream embarrassed trying not to look at something that stands out, a lot. "Why? It's nothing you haven't seen before." Yoongi smugly responds with a smirk on the face passing right by me slightly touching. And I stand there shocked thinking about the things we've done.

On the way to the kitchen after taking a certain hybrid of the head I see an Hoseok lying on the couch watching television only in boxers...... noting something quite big in a certain place .... "HOSEOK! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THAT ?!" I scream at him. "Oh, it's hot today!" he says innocently without evidence of going to dress. And I quickly go to my room to get away from these too sexy hybrids. *

Flashback ends.

Friday's come and I'm leaving quite late from work today. And as always  at this point it starts to rain like in the movies and I can almost feel Hoseok sitting in front of the door worried while Yoongi lies on the sofa looking at the ceiling. Sighing I continue on my way home. "I really need a car."

Until something came against me causing me to fall. "Mam, I'm so sorry!" a voice says in despair helping me to get up. "It's alright! Do not be....worry....." I begin to say until I looked at the person or in this case a hybrid. With small injuries and rather dirty. "Mam, please help my friend he's really injured and I font know what I can do anymore! I can't help him!" the hybrid says almost crying. And I notice that he was quite desperate I thought what it would be like if it were my hybrids so I told him to point the way and he lead me just thanked me all the way there.

The hybrid took me to an aley and I could see another hybrid sitting on the floor almost screaming in pain. "Oh my God!" I say running to him. I don't know how to help so I decided to take them home out of this rain. "Help me raise him, I'll take you guys to my house. It's the only thing I can do now." I say making the hybrid nod and help me. "We're going to have to walk but it's close ok?" I ask the wounded hybrid making him nod and with the help of the other we start walking home. "You…... smell..... like..... others ..... hybrids..." says the wounded hybrid. "Oh! I have my two hybrids at home! Don't worry! They are friendly, one is kind of lazy and the other is a ball of energy!" I say making the two hybrids laugh a bit.

As soon as we arrive at the door this opens revealing Yoongi, realizing the gravity of the situation replaces me and takes the injured hybrid to the couch. "Hoseok can you get first aid please?" I ask him making him nod and go get it. We both went to the other three hybrids were. "I don't know how to treat wounds." I tell the truth. "It's okay. I can take it from here." said the hybrid who asked me for help.

While he was treating his companion, Yoongi and Hoseok came to me. "What the hell happened Y/N?" Yoongi asks. "I don't know! I was on my way home when one of them asked me for help and when I saw the other wounded I thought of you. What if it was you two on their place? So I brought them here!" I respond sincerely. Yoongi looks softly at me after I said that graving my hand while Hoseok hugs me and I smile at them. "Hoseok can you prepare both your room for them?" I ask. "And what about us?" "You can sleep with me." Agreeing Hoseok goes to prepare the room.

"You can stay in my hybrids room." "We don't want to intrude more." the hybrid said. And to my surprise Yoongi replied. "You are not intruding, I know how it is, you are safe here with us and especially with her." Relieved the hybrid accepted the room. "Do you want to eat or do you want to rest now?" I ask. "If you don't mind we'd rather go to sleep." Agreeing Yoongi helps the wounded hybrid without hesitation as I pick up the other hybrid's hand surprising him.

After they lay down we say good night until I was surprised once again this time by Hoseok. "If you need anything do not hesitate to ask!" he said, showing his famous smile.

The three of us already lay in my bed with Yoongi asleep by my side I say quietly to Hoseok. "Sorry I didn't warn you, I know this may be bringing bad memories….. but I couldn't leave them there." "Y/N, you did nothing wrong. I'm happy that you can and want to help them. Don't worry. Me and Yoongi, we thank you for protecting our species and we will always be on your side." Hoseok says. " Thank you Hobi. "I say petting his ears making him cuddle even more to me falling asleep. " I didn't even asked they're names." I think falling asleep in the middle of my hybrids again.

Note: Hi! It's me again! New hybrids! Who do you think it is? Comment what you think! You guys think I should continue writing? Hope you liked it! 🙈💜💜😊

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