Chapter 22

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After the strange encounter with Mark we went inside the organization excited to see everyone after a long day at work.

"Y/NNNN!" I hear a long scream and I see a cute puffy cheeks Jimin running happily towards me and I open my arms laughing.

"Hi Jiminie!" I say petting his soft hears making him purr and swing his tail right and left happy. "I missed you!" He says, rubbing his head on my neck. "I guess we mean nothing to you then." Yoongi says getting near us. "Sorry, not sorry!" Jimin says, laughing still hugging me making me and Yoongi laugh. "YOONGI!" I hear and a energetic Hobi jump on Yoongi making the poor panther sight but smiles. "Hey Hobi. How was work?" "Normal! I missed everyone!" Hobi answers and I look for Tae and I see him cuddling with Namjoon talking about something.

"Come on everyone. I want to see Jungkook." I say and the four of us went to Namjoon and Tae with Jimin and Hobi running pass them making Tae run with them.

Taking the opportunity Yoongi grabs my side and enrolls his tail on my waist and I pet his hears while Joon just takes my hand on his.

We enter Jungkook and we see Hobi talking fast to Jungkook with the bunny looking at him with all his attention hearing every word and we see Jin talking more like reprehending Jimin and Tae for something they had done. "I just get here and you are already screaming." Joon says to Jin laughing. "Joon! Y/N!" Jin says, smiling walking towards us. I say hello to Jin and he starts telling me what the doctor had told him earlier that day.

"So Jungkook is getting better?" Joon asks. " No, he's already better." Jin answers. "Y/N YOU'RE HERE!" Jungkook screams finally seeing me and I smile to him seeing his big bunny hears pop with life. "Hey buddy. How are you feeling?" I ask hugging him. "Much better! The doctor said I can go home later tonight!" He says with a big smile excited to leave.

"So I hear." I say, smiling to his excitement. "Your gonna love it Kookie!

It's so cozy and happy." Jimin starts saying making Jungkook smile at him listening to it. I feel Tae hugging me and I smile to him, resting my head on his that was on my shoulder.

"I can see that everyone is here." We all look at the door seeing the doctor coming in. "How are you feeling Jungkook?" He asks analyzing the bunny. "I'm feeling way better doctor!" Jungkook answers. "Well from what I can see I don't have any motive for you to stay any longer. You can leave right now." The doctor says making the young hybrids and Hobi jump on him all yelling happy making Joon and Jin go trying to save the doctor making him free and go talk to me and Yoongi about what we have to do about Jungkook.

We were on our way to the organizations door with Jimin and Jungkook cuddling my arms on each side when I hear Jackson calls my name. "Thank god I still caught you." He says coming near me panting tired. "You ran almost nothing and you are already tired. Need to exercise more man." Joon says smirking. "Shut up you damn wolf." He says half joking, half angry making us all laugh. "What do you need Jackson?" I ask making Jackson smile at me. "I have the adoption papers of Jimin and Jungkook." He says, smiling at the two hybrids that were shocked.

I was finishing signing the papers with Jin and Yoongi by my side when I look and see Jimin cuddling Jungkook arm, looking at me and Jungkook looking down still in shock. "It's true... She's really going to adopt us Jiminie. We finally have a family." Jungkook says making both of them look up at us smiling. "Boys you need to sign now." I say and they come running signing the paper so quickly I didn't even blink.

"Well, that's it guys. Congratulations!" Jackson says, taking the papers and saying goodbye making the I'm watching you sign to Namjoon making him laugh. "Let's go home guys." I say and we all leave the organization with big smiles.

"Psss Jimin! Climb on my back and let's race them." Hobi says quietly to Jimin who agrees right away. "BYE LOSERS!" They both yell, running pass of us. "What..."Yoongi tries saying, but was too confused. "Well no! Come on Jungkook!" Tae says going down so Kookie can climb is back and both start running after them. Jin looks at Namjoon pleading and Joon laughs at his partner and lets him climb on his back both hybrids running too.

I laugh at all of them and I look at the grumpy panther sighing on my side and I giggle to the lazy hybrid. "Let's go grumpy cat." I say starting to walk missing his stare looking lovely at me and smiling.

I yell feeling myself being carried in the air suddenly and I look to see myself on the back of Yoongi with him running too and passing everyone making us first. "UHUUUUU!" I yell happy making Yoongi laugh. "HYUNG WHY!" I hear the young ones yelling and a very confused Jin and Namjoon looking at Yoongi shocked. "Yoongi?".

We all enter home laughing, sitting on the couch or lying on the floor tired. "How did you run so fast hyung?" Tae asks pouting for losing. "I'm older and stronger than you kid." We all stay there for a while just talking until me and Jin got up to make dinner.

Suddenly Jungkook comes to the kitchen hugging me from behind. "Thank you for everything." The bunny says, blushing looking away. "Your welcome Kookie." I say kissing his cheek making blush more and leave the kitchen making me and Jin laugh at his shyness.

Dinner went normal as usual and all went to sleep earlier after everything and so I was in bed with Yoongi when I remember something. "We saw Mark looking at the organization today." I say to him making him look at me angry. "That guy again? What the hell does he want?" He asks and I say nothing looking at him. "I'm going to be attentive to him there." And we went to sleep thinking the same thing, why was he there.

Note: Sorry for not updating...tell me if you want me to continue!

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