Chapter 2

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During the trip Mark and I talked excitedly about anything without noticing that we had already arrived at my house.

"I didn't even notice we had arrived, thanks for the help Mark!" I thanked him. "No problem Y/N! If you need anything else say! I better go now. Goodbye!" he told me. "Bye!I'll see you Monday!" I said goodbye, entering the house.

Closing the door I turn to go to put away the grocery's when I jump from scare seeing Yoongi who is standing behind me looking at me with a fierce look, ears and tail standing from anger.

"YOONGI! You scared me! You shouldn't be standing! What ..." I begin to speak but Yoongi interrupts me by sniffing the air. "Who was that? What a horrible smell he has."

"He? Who, Mark? He's just a co-worker, you don't have to worry!" I replied confused. "Hn." he answered narrowing his eyes to think still angry.

Even with pain, Yoongi helps me carry the bags to the kitchen. I try to protest but he ignores me and continues, unable to stop him I begin to follow him to pack everything in the place.
Taking everything from the bags and putting them in the right place, I notice that Yoongi follows me almost touching my body throughout the kitchen.

"Yoongi ... what are you doing? "I ask him." The smell. "He responds. With that response I look at him, smell ... HA! Mark's scent! I remember reading that hybrids are very territorial so they have to mark everything with their own scent. "Why don't you wait for me on the couch and after I pack everything here we can cuddle until lunch?"

He looks at me thinking for some time looking like his looking into my soul and simply nods walking towards the sofa. And I smile at myself, he may not have said anything but I know he was glad since his ears and tail denounced him when they seemed to have come back to life.

After I have arranged everything I do what I promised and I'll go to him on the couch, I see that he really waited for me while watching television. As soon as I sit Yoongi puts his head on my shoulder and I feel his tail wrap around my waist and we stay like this.

After a few minutes I look at the ears, the one's that I wanted to play since I saw them, twitchin listening to the sounds of the television.
Seeming to know what I wanted without warning Yoongi grabs my hand and puts it on his head, without wasting time I pet his ears hearing a silent purr coming from him.

Seeing it was lunchtime I start to think of what to do, when I try to get up I notice that Yoongi fell asleep on my shoulder not wanting to wake him up I carefully pick up the phone and order take out. Yoongi wakes up when the bell rings.

"It's the take out that I ordered don't worry!" I assured him, giving him a kiss on the forehead without thinking, feeling Yoongi body stiff after that.
Without time to think about it I open the door and pay the take out leading to Yoongi so he doesn't have to force his foot.

"I don't know if you like this but it's meat. I order what I usually order." I said worried. "It's fine. Thank you." Yoongi unfreezes after what happened and we start to eat. After eating, I get up to clean everything and then walk again to the couch.

I sit down but this time everyone in their corner, I notice that Yoongi has returned to his normal self. Was it because of the kiss on the forehead I gave him? Most likely. Sighing I begin to ask him questions.

"What happen to you out there?" His tail stops moving the moment I said it. Looking at me with a coolness I have never seen before and he says "You have nothing to do with it!" with a low, angry voice, he tries to turn his back on me and tries to sleep again ignoring me.

"Sorry ..." I say to him softly, regretting that I get up knowing that it's the best leaving him alone for now so I will arrange the guest room for him to sleep.

"Where's the bathroom?I need to take a shower." he asks me without looking at me entering the room. "At the end of the corridor, feel free to use anything." I told him. And he leaves without saying anything else. Sighing I continued to tidy up.

Listening to the water being turned off I remember that Yoongi didn't take the new clothes with him. I quickly searched for them and I was to knock on the bathroom door when it suddenly opened.

And I stay there shocked staring at his sculptural body looking quickly down sadly covered with a simple towel. Feeling my cheeks starting to burn I wake up from my world when I feel Yoongi taking the clothes from my hand and I notice a smirk on his face before he close the door

"His body was so ......No! No! I can't think of that!" I start to think but stopping going away to do something to occupy my mind.

A few hours later during dinner, at the table I tried not to look at him knowing that I would only remember the episode in the bathroom so I look at the plate or at his tail that was shaking gently without noticing the smirk still in Yoongi's face.

"I'm going to bed." he said, getting up and looking at me sleepily. "Good night Yoongi! If you need anything feel free to wake me!" I told him. Yoongi nod going up the stairs and raised his hand in farewell.

"What a day...." I thought sighing clearing the table. Going afterwards to prepare me for bed and to sleep end up with dreams full of Yoongi.

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