chapter 6 - reckless

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~your p.o.v~

My mom and dad were out on a business trip and Bob was still out with his friends, probably doing something dangerous. I on the other hand, was exhausted from all of the events at the drive-in, so I was cuddled up under the blankets on my couch at home with Thomas watching movies together and eating popcorn.

We were watching a horror movie, but it was clear neither of our focus was on the movie. We absent-mindedly threw popcorn into our mouths.

"I don't understand why Robert Porter picked me of all people to tutor him." Thomas spoke up. When he mentioned Robert my heart skipped a beat. 

"You're a smart guy. I don't blame him for picking someone like you to tutor him." I responded, continuing to grab popcorn from the bowl in my lap and eat it. 

"But he asked me. A soc." Thomas continued. I sighed.

"Well, when I talked to him it sounded like he could care less about what label you had." I stated. Thomas nodded. 

"Listen, I'm sick of moping around. We planned on having a good time and that's exactly what we're gonna do." I placed the bowl to the side of me and sat up, the blanket falling off of me. I was just wearing sweatpants and a tank top, my makeup long gone from my face. 

I walked over to the rack my family had full of records, letting my fingers skim over all of the records. 

I finally decided on Paul Anka and pulled it off the shelf. I took the record out and placed it on the record player, listening to it crackle to life. 

The music started playing faintly and I turned to Thomas, a smile on my face. I held out my hand in his direction.

"Come on, get up." I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Dance with me." 

He placed his bowl down and hesitantly got up, walking over to me. I gently grabbed his hand in a friendly manner. 

"Are you sure about this? I'm horrible at dancing-" 

"Hey, ease up. Besides, if you plan on asking your crush to the upcoming dance, you have to know how to... Ya know, dance." I playfully punched his shoulder. Thomas sighed and crossed his arms, a blush spreading across his face. 

"Fine, fine." He finally gave in. 

"Okay, so the girl places her hands on your shoulders, like in all the movies and stuff." I explained, my hands settling on his shoulders. 

"Come on, this is embarrassing." He whined. I giggled.

"Thomas, we've been in much more embarrassing situations together. I'm helping you out!" I teased. He bit the inside of his cheek, avoiding my gaze. 

"You're right." He finally gave in. I smiled triumphantly. 

"Okay, so your hands are gonna go on my waist." I grabbed his hands and slowly placed them on my waist, knowing he was still probably going to be hesitant about this whole thing. 

I felt him tense up a bit and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Hey, just a piece of advice... Don't be this tense at the dance, you don't want to scare your date off." I laughed softly. He sent me a playful glare. 

I brought my hands back up to his shoulders and we began swaying gently. 

"See, you got it!" I encouraged him. 

"Whatever." He mumbled. I didn't even have to look at him, I could tell he was rolling his eyes. 

"And if you get lucky, your date to the dance will pull you even closer, which means they'd just wrap their arms around your neck and you'd wrap your arms around their waist, kind of like a hug." I told him. I felt him tense up and I laughed.

"Fortunately, I'll save you the embarrassment, I won't make you do that with me." I told him. He let out a dramatic sigh of relief. 

The song came to an end and we let go of each other. 

"Glad that's over, that was the worst." He said, scurrying back over to the couch.

"Oh, admit it. You enjoyed that." I teased. 

"Fine, I did. But you don't get to tell anyone that." He answered playfully. I ran and jumped back onto the couch, causing my bowl of popcorn to almost fall over.

"Jeez, Y/n! Reckless much?" He yelled out, grabbing his own bowl to steady it.

"You call that reckless? Shoulda seen me in middle school." I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes playfully shoving me. I giggled and continued eating my popcorn. I had turned the movie back on and we sat in a comfortable silence, until Thomas decided to break it again.

"You've mentioned a couple times how reckless you were in middle school... What do you mean by that?" 

"Well, I was best friends with Robert Porter. We were always going out together and being reckless. That was a long time ago, though." I explained. Thomas gave me a look of disbelief.

"Robert Porter?!" He yelled. I shushed him, startled by his outburst.

"Yeah, we hung out before high school. In high school labels separate people more though, so I guess we just grew apart. I know he's dangerous, but when you get past that part of him he's really nice to be around. Besides, I used to always love a good thrill. He had another softer side of him, but I always loved his dangerous side to. It felt surreal, the adrenaline didn't compare to anything else." I went on about it, reminiscing about Robert.

"If I were you, I'd stay away from Robert as much as possible." Thomas told me. I looked at him. 


"For the safety of your brother. He already had a conflict with him, imagine if you were caught hanging out with him. Not only is he a greaser, but your brother especially hates him and not to mention Robert's much more dangerous than most of the greasers around here." Thomas pointed out. I bit my lip. 

"And also we wouldn't want you to be in Cherry's situation. If she has another encounter with Dallas Winston, she'll probably fall in love with him." Thomas added. I looked at him in disbelief.

"I don't have feelings for Robert like that. He was like a brother to me when we used to be friends, you have it all wrong." I protested. Thomas shrugged.

"Alright, good point. But there's still so many other reasons why you shouldn't be around people like him." Thomas said. I sighed.

"What if I want to be around greasers?" I looked him dead in the eyes. Thomas seemed a bit taken aback.

"But... But you're a soc, Y/n! No one ever talks about socs and greasers getting along." Thomas responded. I sighed.

"I just want the labels to stop, Thomas. I hate being a soc, I hate it." I laid down, my legs resting across his lap. He rubbed my leg in a comforting manner.

"I know you do, Y/n..." He mumbled, leaning his head back into the couch. I felt sleepy all of the sudden. I looked at Thomas to see he was also dozing off. 

I pulled the blanket over me and made sure it also covered Thomas's legs. I turned to my side. 

"Goodnight, Thomas." I mumbled tiredly. I felt him adjust under my legs, getting more comfortable.

"Goodnight, Y/n." He said through a yawn.

I fell asleep, the thoughts of the greasers I had talked to earlier clouding my mind.

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