chapter 34 - two can play at that game

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~your p.o.v~

Weeks had passed since when I had kissed Dallas. Surprisingly I hadn't thought about it much, and I hadn't seen Dal or the gang since. I was too busy spending the past couple weeks with my family to prepare for the holidays.

Christmas was a couple days ago, and of course I got things like makeup, clothing, perfume, etc. Things a teenage girl supposedly would want, right?

Since the chaos of Christmas had ended, I was now left with my thoughts.

I was sprawled across my bed, two fingers subconsciously placed against my closed lips as I remembered the feeling of Dal's lips against mine.

Before I could get too caught up in my thoughts, I heard my mom call my name.

"Y/n, Sweetie! Someone's on the phone for you!" She called out. I sprung up from bed, running out of my room and practically tripping down the stairs.

I made it to the phone and my mom handed it over to me. I took a moment to catch my breath and then brought the phone up to my ear.


"Y/n, hey! It's Sodapop!" I heard Sodapop's cheerful voice on the other end. I smiled.

"Oh, hey Sodapop. What's up?" I leaned against the wall, twirling the chord between my fingers.

"Well the guys and I were wondering if you were busy today? Two-bit wanted me to call since he's too lazy to do it himself." Sodapop chuckled. I giggled at the mention of Two-bit.

"Sure, when should I come over?"

"Any time you want to." He said. I paused, considering it.

"Be over in twenty."

"Sounds good." The line went dead after that.

I slipped on my shoes that I had left by the door.

"I'm going out, don't wait up!" I yelled out. It was already dark out and who knows how long I'd be over at the Curtis house.

I began my walk over and I couldn't help but let my mind wander. I wondered if Dallas would be there. And if he was, would anything happen between us?

I let these questions swirl around in my mind for the whole walk over there, but pushed them aside when I arrived.

I didn't knock and instead just walked in.

"Hey, guys!" I exclaimed, causing the boys to look over at me.

A chorus of greetings erupted from the boys as I searched the room. Sure enough, a certain boy named Dallas Winston was there, relaxing on the couch with his arms over the top of it. Instead of greeting me like the rest of the boys, he sent me a secret wink. I immediately smiled and rolled my eyes, making my way in his direction.

He expected me to sit next to him, and he seemed a bit puzzled when I sat next to Two-bit instead.

"Hey, man." I said, jokingly throwing an arm around Two-bit. He smiled at me and passed me his unfinished beer.

"Hey,  kid!" He ruffled my hair and I giggled, shoving his hand away.

I took a sip of my beer and I heard Steve yell a comment from the kitchen.

"Don't get drunk like last time!"

I cringed at his comment but couldn't help the laugh that passed my lips.

"Thanks for making me relive that horrible memory." I called back, which earned a chuckle. Steve had come back from the kitchen, a piece of cake in his hand.

"Oh yeah, the reason we invited you over is because we were gonna do a secret santa thing. The gang sometimes have a little Christmas thing after Christmas and we were wonderin if you wanted to be in it?" Sodapop spoke up. I looked at him and smiled.

"Sure, that'd be fun! When is it?" I asked.

"Well we were gonna have it tomorrow. I know it's short notice, but we've all been pretty distracted and we forgot to mention it to ya earlier." He explained. I shrugged.

"No, it's fine. Thanks for inviting me, I'm looking forward to it." I said.

I heard shifting behind me on the couch and turned around to see Dallas standing up from the couch.

"I'm gonna grab a beer." He said, making his way in the direction of the kitchen. When he passed by me, he let his fingers lightly graze my shoulder, causing chills to go down my spine.

"You should grab me a slice of cake!" Two-bit yelled.

"No!" Dallas yelled back from the kitchen. I laughed loudly and Two-bit jokingly shoved me.

"Y/n..." He trailed off, giving me a pleading look. I raised my eyebrows at him in amusement.

"What do you want?" My question came out as more of a statement.

"Will you go grab me cake?" He begged. I rolled my eyes.

"Jesus, Two-bit, you can't get it yourself?"

"Hey, I gave you my beer! Show some compassion!" He whined. I giggled and stood up, not before lightly shoving him.

"Yeah, obviously I'm gonna get it for you so shut up." I muttered, a smile on my lips.

I made my way to the kitchen and found the cake sitting out. I reached up to a cabinet to grab a plate when all of the sudden I felt arms around my waist and breath on my neck.

My breath hitched and I turned to see who it was.

"Jesus, thanks for scarin me." I mumbled, continuing to teach for a plate.

"No problem, babe." He teased.

I froze when I felt his lips on my neck.

"Dal, this is the worst time you could pick to be a tease-" I was cut off when he nipped at my neck, finding my sweet spot. I bit my lip, hesitantly shoving him away.

"Listen, as much as I'd love to continue whatever that sudden move was, I have to give Two-bit his cake." I placed the plate down on the table and put a piece of cake on it, leaving the kitchen like it never happened without speaking another word to Dallas.

If he wanted to be a tease, two could play at that game.

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