chapter 9 - the rumble

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~your p.o.v~

Darry said it was best we start heading out to go to the rumble now, and the boys erupted in cheers. 

We all headed for the door, a couple boys running because they were so amped up. A smile spread across my face, the adrenaline pumping through my veins as well. I wouldn't be fighting at all like them, but boy was the energy contagious. 

Once we had all left the house all of the boys took off into a jog. I watched in awe as Steve did a flip off the front of a car. I looked to see Darry do a handstand on the fence. Dallas on the other hand had his hands lazily shoved in his pockets, watching the boys with an amused glint in his eyes.

A laugh escaped my lips, which melted into the sound of the boys already hooting and hollering. Ponyboy walked next to me, a smile on his face as well.

"You guys sure get excited for rumbles, huh?" I asked Ponyboy. Ponyboy nodded, watching his friends, a content look on his face.

"Well, we have to get our adrenaline pumping." He answered. I nodded, still watching everyone else. 

Sodapop had slowed down and threw his arm around Ponyboy, flashing a movie-star smile at his brother. 

I wanted to live in this moment forever. I had just met these boys, but I felt at home. Being here with them made me feel different, I felt carefree for once in my life. 

We continued walking and Two-bit had also slowed down to walk next to me. We were cracking jokes together causing some of the boys to erupt into laughter. 

Overall, the walk over was very entertaining. We made it to where the boys had decided to meet and so far there were only a couple other greasers here.

"That's Tim Shephard's gang." Ponyboy leaned over and mumbled to me. I nodded, my gaze on them. 

I looked to see Robert standing casually, a cigarette between his lips. I made my way towards him, some of the boys I had walked here with watching. 

Robert saw me and a smirk crossed his lips. He took the cigarette from in between his lips and blew out rings of smoke. 

"Y/n L/n. What brings you to a rumble?" He asked me. I leaned against the tree we were under, simply shrugging in response. Robert's gaze wandered over to the gang of boys I had come with.

"I'm surprised you showed up with the Curtis gang. I didn't know you were friends with em, let alone spending time with greasers steadily." Robert spoke, his smirk never leaving his lips. 

"Well, what can I say? I find them pretty interesting." I smirked back at him. He chuckled.

"Seems like you're goin' back to your old ways. Miss the thrill of us greasers, huh?" He placed his hand by my head on the tree and I bit my lip.

"Eh, maybe I am." I answered. He offered me his cigarette, and I took it from his fingers, bringing it up to my lips now. 

We were interrupted by the sounds of cars pulling up. Robert looked over his shoulder and I also watched the mustangs pull up.

The mustangs that were all too familiar. 

"Well, I gotta go, doll. Rumble's starting." He told me. Robert made his way to the rest of the gang, while I stayed leaning against the tree, watching everything unfold.

The socs had gotten out of their cars and they were now lined up, looking at the greasers. Both groups were staring each other down, putting on intimidating fronts.

I was so caught up in watching their stare down that I hadn't noticed a certain soc that had showed up. 

Bob must've seen me out of the corner of his eye, because he turned to look at me. 

"What the hell is she doing here?" Bob said loud enough for me to hear. 

"She showed up with us." Dallas spoke up. I tried to mask the nerves bubbling up inside of me, feeling a bit nervous with everyone's gaze now on me. 

"Yeah, very funny. Are you trying to tell me my sister showed up with some no good hoods like you?" Bob growled. I could tell the boys didn't know how to answer so I decided I'd help.

"Yeah, I showed up with the greasers." I called out. Bob looked at me, practically fuming.

"And why the hell would you do that?" He glared daggers at me. I smiled at him.

"Because if I'm being honest, I'm rooting for them more than I'm rooting for you." I gave him a simple shrug. 

I could tell my brother was about to storm over to me, but one of his friends held him back and reminded him that there was a rumble about to start. 

Out of nowhere a soc punched Ponyboy in the face. I cringed at the sight. I couldn't help but feel bad. 

From there, chaos broke out. Everyone started fighting each other. Punches and clawing were happening everywhere, people kicking each other to the ground. 

I watched, my eyes wide. I knew the boys were able to handle themselves, but it was still a lot to take in. Unlike my friends Thomas and Cherry, I was able to be around violence. I mean Bob Sheldon was my older brother, he was always out getting into fights. 

I saw Ponyboy was struggling with fighting someone else, and Robert quickly saved him by throwing the soc off of him. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that Robert helped him.

The fight went on for a while, and then I saw the socs starting to run off. They all scrambled to their cars, desperately trying to escape from the greasers. 

The greasers broke out into cheering and I ran over to them, a huge smile on my face. Robert turned to me and there was a huge smile on his busted lips. 

"Way to go, Robert!" I yelled, throwing my arms around his neck. He grabbed my waist and spun me around, caught up in the moment of his victory. 

He put me down on the ground and ruffled my hair, causing me to playfully push his hand away. I turned to the rest of the boys and saw Ponyboy, so I made my way over to him. 

"Hey, Ponyboy!" I greeted him. We both had smiles on our faces.

"Hey, Y/n." He responded back to me. I threw an arm around him in a friendly manner, making sure not to be to rough with him so I wouldn't hurt him. It was a little awkward since he was a bit taller than me. 

"You fight good." I told him. He chuckled. Sodapop then came up and excitedly threw his arms around the both of us. 

"We won!" He cheered. All three of us broke out into cheering once more and Sodapop hoisted me onto his shoulders. I let out a noise of surprised and gently grabbed him to steady me, but began laughing. 

Robert told us he was going to head out and I yelled an enthusiastic 'bye', too caught up in the moment to properly say goodbye. 

All of us were heading back to the Curtis house, chanting the word 'greasers' along the way. I held onto Sodapop's shoulders, the both of us laughing. 

All of us were beyond ecstatic. I had never felt anything like it before. It was nothing like what I was used to with my soc friends, this feeling was completely brand new. It almost made me not want to go back to the South side ever again. Part of me wanted to stay here. 

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