chapter 11 - gossip

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~your p.o.v~

"Come on, pick up the phone..." I muttered, the chord of the phone wrapped around my finger as I eagerly waited for my best friend to pick up.

"Hello?" I heard Thomas's voice ring out.

"Thomas! God, I have so much to talk to you about, can you meet me at the dingo in twenty minutes?" I asked frantically. School had gotten out a couple hours ago since it was a Monday and I never got the chance to tell Thomas of my adventures with the greasers that I secretly was beginning to adore.

"Jeez, Y/n! You sure are talking fast. But sure, I'll meet you there." Thomas had an amused tone in his voice. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, thank you! See ya soon!" I placed the phone back on the wall, running and practically stumbling up the stairs.

I made it to my room, deciding to leave on the outfit I was already wearing. The weather was nice so I had worn a pink, short sleeved blouse dotted with floral designs. The blouse was tucked into a light pair of jeans.

I didn't want to put my feet through the pain of wearing flats, so I threw on some old black converse I had from a while back that were a bit worn out. I was in too much of a rush to do anything with my hair, so I left it down.

I ran down the stairs and out of the house, running in the direction of the dingo.

I made it to the dingo in a decent amount of time. I opened the door, feeling out of breath. While catching my breath my eyes scanned around the restaurant, landing on Thomas sitting in our normal booth that we always sat in when we met up here. We always sat together near the back, ordering milkshakes and talking about things.

I made my way to the where he was and slid into the booth across from him, a smile on my face. He looked up at me, his face lighting up due to my presence.

"Y/n, you're here!" He slid me my milkshake as he spoke and I looked at it gratefully.

"I could use a milkshake right about now." I mumbled, taking the straw and raising it to my mouth.

After taking a moment to drink the milkshake, I decided to tell Thomas why we were here in the first place.

"So, you know the rumble that happened this weekend?" I asked. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows but nodded.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked hesitantly. I gave him a wide smile, knowing he was going to get mad at my next words.

"I went to the rumble."

"What?!" He exclaimed. Some people looked over at us and I aggressively shushed him.

"Jesus Christ, Thomas!" I whisper yelled. He ignored my shushing and continued his questioning.

"Did Bob and his friends drag you along? I swear to God-"

"No no no, I went by choice. I went with the greasers." I quieted down at the last part and leaned across the table so he could hear what I said.

Thomas looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're kidding me, right?"

Our conversation was cut off when I spotted familiar faces enter the dingo. Two-bit and Dallas had entered and their eyes were scanning over the place.

Inevitably, their eyes landed on me. Two-bit sent a contagious grin in my direction and I couldn't help but return it. Dallas on the other hand smirked, so I avoided his gaze and focused on Two-bit.

The two began making their way over to where Thomas and I sat.

"Y/n, are you even listening to what I'm saying? What are you looking at-" Thomas's annoyed questions were cut off when he followed my gaze.

"Why is Dallas Winston and his greaser friend walking over here?" Thomas whisper yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"They're probably not even walking towards us." Thomas mumbled.

Of course, Thomas's fear seemed to increase when Dallas slid into the booth next to me and Two-bit sat next to him.

"Well, look what we have here!" Two-bit exclaimed. I giggled.

"Hey, Two-bit." I greeted him.

Dallas's arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. I acted unfazed by his actions, simply too amused by Thomas's reactions to care.

"W-with all due respect Dallas, why are you doing that? I thought you were into Cherry." Thomas stuttered, desperately trying to find the right words. Dallas just stared at him with his eyebrows furrowed in a puzzled manner.

"What's his deal?" Dallas asked. I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"Don't be rude, Dallas. He's my best friend, you've seen him." I gestured to Thomas, who was beyond flustered and very on edge about the events playing out right now.

"You never told me you were buddies with Dallas Winston." Thomas stated, still taken over by shock.

"Buddies? I wouldn't really call him that." I looked over to Dallas. Dallas gave me a smirk.

"What would you call it?" He asked. I leaned closer to his face.

"I'd say you're just very obnoxious and full of yourself. Not to add, you're way less threatening than people make you out to be." I glanced over at Thomas, who was glaring at me and silently scolding me just with his gaze. I sent him a sly wink and turned back to Dallas.

"You just insist that I'm not threatening, huh?" Dallas asked, scooting closer and closer to me. Since I was on the inside of the booth he practically had me pinned between him and the wall.

"Easy, Dal. Ya don't wanna scare her away." Two-bit teased. Two-bit had stole my milkshake and I was just now noticing.

I shoved Dallas off of me, immediately snatching the milkshake glass from Two-bit's hands.

"Awe, come on man!" I whined, seeing how much he had drank. He hadn't finished it, but he drank a decent amount. Two-bit gave me a sly smirk.

"My bad." He shrugged. I scrunched my face up at him and finished the milkshake quickly. 

All of the sudden our conversation was cut off by another person approaching the table. I looked up and was a bit surprised at who I saw. 

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