chapter 81 - reminiscing

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~your p.o.v~

I was leaning against the counter in a bored manner, waiting for another customer to come in through the door. Dallas was still sitting in the same place and he didn't seem to be having the time of his life either.

I heard the bell ring and I lifted my head up. Dallas also looked over to see who it was.

My heart sank.

The boy approached the counter, seeming a bit nervous. I glanced at Dallas and he was glaring daggers at the boy.

I turned to look at the boy who had entered.

"What are you doing here, Thomas?" I sounded clearly annoyed.

"Listen, I just wanted to apologise for what I said. I-I had no idea about what happened with your family-"

"Oh, well maybe you think think next time before you run your mouth." I snapped. Thomas flinched at my tone of voice.

"I know I was stupid, okay? I just miss you, I miss being your friend and joking around with you.  I miss how things used to be." His voice wavered a bit and I couldn't caved into his apology then and there if I wasn't so stubborn.

"Oh yeah? Well things changed. Things won't ever be the same as they used to be and that's just how it is." I spoke coldly.

"Please, Y/n. I know things won't ever be the same, and I don't care. I just miss you. I don't care if you're not the same rich kid I used to know, I don't care if you're not a soc anymore. Thanks to you, I know that there's so much more to people than their labels. I don't care, all I know is that no matter what happens, I just want to know that I still have you."

I felt shaky. His apology made my heart beat fast and just hearing his voice reminded me of how my life used to be. It made me miss how things used to be. I couldn't help but reminisce of all of the time I had spent with Thomas.

"Come on, get up." I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Dance with me." 

He placed his bowl down and hesitantly got up, walking over to me. I gently grabbed his hand in a friendly manner. 

"Are you sure about this? I'm horrible at dancing-" 

"Hey, ease up. Besides, if you plan on asking your crush to the upcoming dance, you have to know how to... Ya know, dance." I playfully punched his shoulder. Thomas sighed and crossed his arms, a blush spreading across his face. 

"Fine, fine." He finally gave in. 

"Okay, so the girl places her hands on your shoulders, like in all the movies and stuff." I explained, my hands settling on his shoulders. 

"Come on, this is embarrassing." He whined. I giggled.

"Thomas, we've been in much more embarrassing situations together. I'm helping you out!" I teased. He bit the inside of his cheek, avoiding my gaze. 

"You're right." He finally gave in. I smiled triumphantly. 

"Okay, so your hands are gonna go on my waist." I grabbed his hands and slowly placed them on my waist, knowing he was still probably going to be hesitant about this whole thing. 

I felt him tense up a bit and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Hey, just a piece of advice... Don't be this tense at the dance, you don't want to scare your date off." I laughed softly. He sent me a playful glare. 

I brought my hands back up to his shoulders and we began swaying gently. 

"See, you got it!" I encouraged him. 

My heart ached at the memory. I missed my old life. I missed my family, I missed Cherry and Marcia.

And God, how badly I missed Thomas.

I jumped over the counter, embracing Thomas. He was surprised and stumbled backwards.

"You're a real prick, ya know that Thomas?" My voice cracked. Thomas laughed in a relieved manner.

"Yeah, I know." He rubbed my back in a comforting manner. I missed his hugs, the scent of his cologne, his soft sweaters, I missed it all.

I missed my best friend.

I left his embrace, smiling at him.

"Well, I gotta get back to work, but I'll call you." I assured him. Thomas nodded, a huge grin on his face.

Once Thomas left, I turned back towards Dallas who had a small smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked, jumping back over the counter.

"Nothing, you're just cute." He teased, leaning over to ruffle my hair. I shoved his hand away.

"Shut up." I giggled as I leaned into him. Dallas chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You're a real handful." He mumbled.

"Yeah, you totally dig me though."

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora