chapter 13 - projects with two-bit

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~your p.o.v~

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

I fought to keep my eyes open during my history class, the teacher rambling on and on. All of it was nonsense, becoming jumbled in my thoughts. I had been staring at the clock for quite a while now, praying to god that time would go by faster. My thoughts had been occupied by Dallas all night last night that I could barely sleep. I had no idea what this boy was doing to me.

I craved sleep. I desperately wanted the bell to ring just so I could be free from this class and be able to wake up by walking to my next class. 

I decided to look around the room to find something to occupy my mind. I saw kids impatiently tapping their pencils on the table, seeming equally as irritated as me. I saw kids chewing on gum, smacking their lips loudly. Other kids were passed out on their desks, their heads resting on their hands. 

My eyes stopped on Two-bit who was carving something into his desk with a pencil, a bored look on his face. Even though I was only sixteen Two-bit and I were in the same class since he had been held back and was still in his Junior year. 

I giggled softly as I watched him stare intently at his desk and continue carving. He must've heard me because he looked up at me and sent me a grin. 

From then on, we spent the rest of the class mouthing stupid sentences to each other and doing dorky things across the classroom to try and make each other laugh. I was relieved to find a distraction and I could tell Two-bit was happy that he had a new way to kill time that didn't involve him carving on his desk. 

We were pulled away from our silly antics by the teacher.

"Alright, you will all be doing a group project. You're expected to do a poster board talking about one of the thirteen colonies. The due date is at the end of next week. Since I'm giving you such little time to do the project, I will allow you to pick your partners for the project." The teacher explained. I let out an annoyed sigh, not happy with the fact that we had to do a presentation. That was the last thing any kid ever wanted. 

All of the students immediately stood up from their desks, scurrying to be with their friends. I watched the pattern; Socs with socs and greasers with greasers. 

I stood up from my desk, grabbing my belongings and made my way across the room to Two-bit. I dropped my stuff onto his desk and pulled up a chair, sending him a cocky grin.

"Hey, partner." I spoke. He chuckled.

"You sure you wanna work with me? You'd have to come over to greaser territory to work on it. Probably the Curtis house." Two-bit asked. I shrugged.

"I like the gang, it'd simply just be an excuse for me to hang out with you guys more." I answered.

"I don't understand anything we're doing in the project."

"Lucky for you, I understand all of it." I shot back. 

"I most likely won't do any work." He admitted. I giggled.

"I'll do it all for you. Give you an easy A." I playfully punched his shoulder across the desk.

"Wow, that's real nice of you." He grinned. I shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm a pretty nice person." 


Two-bit and I had planned when I was going to go over to the Curtis house and he told me he'd make sure to tell the boys that I was coming over to help him with the project. I was currently making my way over there since school had ended around an hour ago. We decided that waiting an hour would give me enough time to run to the store to buy the supplies we needed and still be able to walk over when it was light out. 

I had made it to the Curtis house and was now standing in front of the door, holding a bag full of the supplies I'd need for the project. 

I hesitated for a moment, but knocked on the door. I had been able to hear the boys inside. I heard the chatter die down a bit once I had knocked and I heard someone approach the door. 

The door swung open to reveal Dallas. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I could ask you the same question." He shot back. 

Our conversation was interrupted by Two-bit coming up to the door, shooting me a grin. I grinned back and walked past Dallas, following Two-bit into the living room. 

"Hey fellas, Y'n's here!" Two-bit shouted over everyone's talking. Everyone looked over at me. Johnny and Ponyboy gave me small smiles while Steve sent a grin in my direction and Sodapop gave me his infamous movie-star smile. 

Two-bit sat down on the floor, motioning for me to sit down with him. I sat down next to him, pouring the supplies I had bought out of the bag. 

"Alright, so you can do whatever you want. I'll just work on the project." I informed him. Two-bit nodded.

I began looking over the things I had bought, brainstorming how I would begin this project when Two-bit slid an open beer in my direction.

"I got you a beer since you're doin' this for me." Two-bit said. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Yeah, you got it from our  fridge." Sodapop chimed in, his eyes never leaving his cards since he was playing a card game with Steve. I chuckled and took a swig of the beer, setting it back down next to me and getting to work.

"You call that a gift, Two-bit?" Dallas spoke right next to me, causing me to jump.

"Jesus, Dal." I muttered. Dallas raised his eyebrows at me.

"Wow, you called me something besides Dallas for once! I'm shocked." He teased. I rolled my eyes. Dallas slipped a brand new pack of cigarettes into my hand and I looked down at them in a confused manner and back up at him.

"Heard you were comin' over so I swiped those for ya." He smirked. I bit my lip, a smile appearing on my face.

"You sure you wanna give this to me?" I asked. 

"Yeah, don't get too emotional." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, what a charmer." I slipped the cigarettes into my pocket and turned back to the poster board, beginning to sketch out the heading for the poster. 

~Another timeskip~

I made sure to get the work done, but listened to the boys' conversations and occasionally jumped in, never turning away from the work. 

I used tape, glue, markers, construction paper, any type of supplies you could imagine.

By the time I had finished creating the poster my back ached. I leaned back against the bottom of the couch, letting out a sigh.

Two-bit leaned over the poster, looking at it with an impressed look.

"You finished it already?" He asked. I nodded, chugging down the rest of my beer that I had been taking occasional sips of throughout my work.

"Might as well just have it out of the way. Boy, am I tired." I mumbled. Two-bit pat my shoulder.

"Good job, knowing me I would've never done the project in the first place." He laughed after his statement and I weakly laughed along with him. 

"I think I'm gonna go have a smoke, I'll be right back." I told him. I stood up and walked out the front door, deciding to just clear my head and allow myself to finally relax after finishing such a big project all at once.

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