chapter 63 - it shows

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~your p.o.v~

"You don't have to help me, Y/n. Just go to bed." Two-bit protested.

It was past eleven o'clock at night and I had been sitting in bed next to Two-bit for hours, trying to help him grasp the concept of our math assignment.

"But I want you to be successful!" I whined, my eyes not leaving the beat up textbook. Two-bit sighed, running a hand through his soft hair. He had gotten ready for bed and taken the grease out of his hair, leaving it fluffy and unkept.

"Why do you care about my education so much?" Two-bit questioned. His tone of voice caused me to tear my gaze away from the book. He sounded sincere and genuinely curious. He spoke softer, which was a change of character.

"Because I know you have potential. You might not see it, but I do. Two-bit, you are so incredibly smart and determined when you put your mind to something. Sure, you can be a smartass, but you can also be just plain smart. I want you to graduate and have a future. It must get boring for you having to hang around in highschool all the time, don't you want to change that?"

Two-bit smiled to himself, but he still had a hint of worry in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely concerned. He shook his head, laughing quietly.

"Nothing's wrong. I just get worried sometimes, it seems like you focus on me getting my schoolwork done more than you get yours done. You used to be a perfect student and you're not anymore. I know you have the brain to be a grade A student, but you haven't been lately." He explained. I sighed.

"Everything that's happened has really distracted me. I used to want to get out of here and go to some nice college... But I don't got the money to be thinking like that anymore. It's not like I'm necessarily amazing at any of my subjects either. I've passed all my classes but I'm not at a free scholarship level. I guess school doesn't matter to me much anymore." I tapped my pencil against my leg, my gaze staying glued to it as I spoke.

"School was your ticket out of here, but it's not anymore." Two-bit mumbled to himself and I nodded.

"Doesn't look like I'll be leaving anytime soon. I should get used to Tulsa, because it seems like I'll be here all my life."

"Well, we'll always be together. So you don't gotta worry about getting bored in Tulsa." Two-bit joked. I smiled and made eye contact with him again.

"Thanks, Two."

"Of course. Now you should go to bed." He said. I began to protest.

"No, you have to finish this-"

"I have it under control, don't worry about me! I understand how to do the assignment thanks to you. Now stop stressing about me and go get some sleep for once." He wasn't budging on the topic.

I hesitated for a moment and finally got up from his bed. I gave Two-bit a quick hug.

"Goodnight, Two-bit." I mumbled.

"Goodnight, Y/n."

I finally made my way towards my room and didn't bother turning my light on. I flopped down on my bed, feeling exhausted. I fell asleep pretty much the moment my head hit the pillow.


"Rise and shine!" Two-bit sang. A whine passed my lips and I rolled over in bed, trying to block out his cheery voice.

"You're way too happy considering it's what, 5:30?" I grumbled, attempting to pull my blanket over my head.

"Nope, no time to sleep!" He yanked my blanket off of me and I shivered, curling up into a fetus position.

"I've never hated you more." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He laughed.

"I'm not gonna take that to heart because you hate everyone in the morning."

"Touché." I lazily sat up, rubbing my eyes. "I don't wanna go to school, just let me drop out."

"Nope, get up!" He slammed the door behind him, leaving me to change. I sighed, ambling over to my closet. I let my eyes scan over my clothing and settled on jeans, a white shirt, and my leather jacket.

I slipped on my beat up converse and continued going through my daily routine. Brush my teeth, a little bit of makeup, etc.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute and just fully took it all in. If you compared me now to how I looked a couple months ago, it's like night and day. I'm not the same person.

The old me was a soc. A problematic soc who took it all for granted. I thought the biggest problem in my life was how much my brother was annoying me or if he was out getting drunk. I hung out with Cherry Valance and was considered one of the wealthiest girls in school.

I was part of the Sheldon family and it showed.

Now, I've slowly become a greaser. A problematic greaser who misses everything she once had. But now I know that real problems are more than your brother getting on your nerves or being annoyed with a label. Real problems is having everything you took for granted being ripped away from you. Real problems is having to learn the hard way.

I'm in one of the most dramatic situations, but somehow I feel less tense. I have everything I used to want. I have a loyal group of friends and a family that knows what love is. I have Two-bit, who protects me and treats me like his little sister. I have Two-bit's little sister who is the cutest and sweetest little girl I've ever met. I have Two-bit's mom, who's very kind and thoughtful. I'm happy.

I'm part of the Matthews family and it shows.

"You ready to go?" Two-bit's voice snapped me out of my trance. I hurried out of the bathroom, grabbing my backpack that I had left by the doorway.

"I'm ready!" I called back. I made it out the front door with Two-bit and we were on our way to school.

Two-bit and I exchanged glances and smiled at each other.

And for once in a long time, I knew that in this moment everything was okay.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt