chapter 62 - competitive

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~your p.o.v~

"Damn it!" Johnny mumbled to himself as he watched me slam two more cards down on the table.

We were currently in an intense round of Speed, a very fast paced card game and so far I was absolutely crushing Johnny.

"You gotta keep up, Johnny!" I laughed to myself as I reached for another card.

I was skipping school and both of us were still at the Curtis house. I convinced Johnny to stay with me at the Curtis house since they always said we were welcome to hang out there while they were gone.

It was almost time for school to be out, so Ponyboy, Two-bit and Steve should be here soon. Steve didn't have to work today unlike Sodapop, who still wouldn't be home until later in the evening. Darry was also busy at work.

Dallas was lounging on the couch while Johnny and I sat at the table, still engaged in our card game.

I was about to run out of cards and I was eager to win. I just needed Johnny to put down a 5 of any kind and I'd win.

Johnny stared at my cards for a moment, acting as if he stared long enough he could see what cards I had.

Johnny hesitantly placed down a 5 and before he had the chance to place down anymore I eagerly slammed down my 6 and 7.

"Ha! Guess who won!" I exclaimed dramatically, slamming my hands down on the table and standing up. Johnny threw his cards onto the table in defeat, letting out a sigh.

"I thought you were gonna go easy on me." He huffed. I laughed.

"I don't go easy on anyone in card games. What can I say, I'm competitive." I shrugged.

"But I'm injured! I need a win." He pouted. I smirked.

"Trust me, if you needed the win you would've won. And don't worry, you're a winner in my eyes anyway." I leaned over and ruffled his hair, an annoyed groan passing his lips as he shoved my hand away.

"I bet I could beat you in a round of Speed." Dallas challenged from across the room. I turned to him and he was lying on the couch, studying the heater he kept with him. It was blanks anyway, so it didn't concern me that he had it out.

"Oh, really?" I crossed my arms, an unimpressed smirk crossing my face. He stood up from the couch and made his way over to me, an overly confident and competitive energy coming from him.

"Sure. I hustle people, I'm sure I could hustle a goodie two shoes girl like you." His words sounded like a dare.

"Well, let's see about that, Winston."

"Please, I could win against you in my sleep." He scoffed. Johnny grabbed his crutches and stood up, moving out of the way so Dallas could sit in the chair across from me.

"I'd like to see you try, Babe." I sat back down, grabbing the cards and shuffling them.

"What do you wanna bet?" I asked. Dallas put his elbow against the table, resting his chin on his hand as he watched me shuffle the cards.

"How about if I win, I get a kiss."

"Come on, Dal." Johnny muttered, unhappy with his comment. I laughed and shrugged.

"Alright, and if I win..." I trailed off, considering it. "You got any cash on you?"

"Nah, I don't have any on me." He admitted. I stayed quiet for a second, thinking.

"You got a pack of smokes?" I smirked. He sighed, placing them on the table.


"Well then, let's start."

I laid out the cards, and the game started.

We both eagerly played, trying our best to win. It was clear that this game was about more than a kiss or a pack of cigarettes, we had both talked very confidently about ourselves and we didn't want to ruin our reputations.


The game was about to come to an end and so far it looked like we were both close to winning.

And suddenly, it happened.

"BOOM! I WIN!" I yell, slamming my card down. I began clapping dramatically for myself, a huge smile on my face.

"I let you win." Dallas lied. I laughed.

"Nice try! You started this war and I won! Admit it, I'm better than you at this!" I bragged, kicking my feet up onto the table in an exaggerated fashion.

"Hand over the cigarettes." I held out my hand. Dallas sighed, sliding them over to my side of the table.

"Thanks, Babe." I shoved the cigarettes into my pocket, feeling as triumphant as ever.

"Come here, I wanna tell you something." I said, leaning over the table. Dallas groaned, still bitter about losing. He leaned over towards me.

When he least expected it, I pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. I parted quickly before Dallas could even react and gave him an innocent smile.

"Wait, that's not fair! I didn't get time to react or anything." Dallas complained, falling back into his chair.

"Well, you lost. So if anything I'm being nice, because technically you shouldn't have gotten a kiss in the first place." I joked. He smiled.

I swear it could light up a whole room. I wish he smiled more.

Hopefully I'll get him to smile more, because I love it when he smiles.

I love it even more when I'm the reason he's smiling.

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