chapter 10 - aftermath

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~your p.o.v~

The gang and I had made it back to the Curtis house and we were finally starting to calm down from all of the excitement. I think since the adrenaline had stopped pumping for the most part the pain was catching up to the boys.

All of them were either lazily laying on the couch or sprawled out on the floor. I looked at all of them, gnawing on my lip. 

I looked at each of them, trying to figure out what I could do to help. Some of them just needed to be iced and others had to be cleaned up with disinfectant. 

"Wow, you guys sure are a sad group after a rumble." I said, chuckling softly afterwards.

I only received pitiful groans from some of the boys.

"At least let me help you guys." I leaned against the wall, amused by how their moods had quickly changed.


I had helped almost all of the boys with their injuries, having small talk with them while I did and getting to know all of them better. I could only help them one at a time in the bathroom using a first aid kit I found in the bathroom.

The last person to help was Dallas and he was being the most stubborn one of them all. Some of the boys had tried to resist my help but quickly gave in, but Dallas was denying me no matter how much I bothered him.

"Dallas is stubborn, I don't think you'll get him to give in." Soda leaned over and told me, both of our gazes on Dallas. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll get him to give in." I mumbled, making my way back to Dallas. 

"Back to annoy me?" Annoyance was evident in his voice.

"Yeah, because I saw you out there. The socs got some pretty bad hits in on you." I pointed out. Dallas rolled his eyes. 

"I'm fine." He snapped rudely. I grabbed his arm harshly and he hissed in pain.

"What are you doing that for? Son of a bi-" 

"See, you're not fine. Guess you're not so tough after all, let's go." I dragged him to the bathroom and slammed the door behind us. 

I pointed to the closed toilet seat, signaling for him to sit down. He huffed but gave in, sitting down and impatiently tapping his foot. 

I studied his face, seeing a gash on his bottom lip. I reached into the first aid kit and got the disinfectant. 

I dabbed some of it on a cotton ball and brought it up to his lip. He tried to play it off like it wasn't painful, but I could tell he was biting the inside of his cheek and he clenched his fists. 

I finished that and he seemed to be relieved. The silence was a bit awkward, so he decided to break it.

"What's the deal with you and Robert?" Dallas asked out of the blue. I shrugged, throwing away the now bloody cotton ball.

"Old friend." 

"But aren't you a soc or somethin?" He asked. 

"Back in middle school when what I was didn't matter as much, I used to hang out with him. He got me into all sorts of trouble and when high school came around I just... Labels got in the way." I was looking through the first aid kit, trying to find the next thing I'd need. 

"Trouble, huh?" 

"Yeah. Nothing much, just shoplifting, vandalism. Little things like that. He tried to get me to do more rebellious stuff but I never gave in." I explained, pulling out another cotton ball for a different cut on his face. 

"Robert's dangerous. Surprised he'd wanna be around a broad like you." Dallas muttered. I paused my actions and looked at Dallas.

"I'm surprised someone like you would say he's dangerous. I thought you were the dangerous one, Winston." I smirked. Dallas sent a threatening glare in my direction. 

"How's he dangerous anyway?" 

"He's always out at parties, picking up broads, getting drunk. Also always getting into fights, all around he's dangerous." Dallas explained. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't you do all those things?" 

"Yeah, I never said I wasn't dangerous too." Confidence was radiating from him. I raised my eyebrows in an amused manner.

"I've heard about you. You and Robert are considered some of the most dangerous people around, but you guys don't seem that intimidating." I mumbled, turning back to the first aid kit. I heard him chuckle. 

He stood up and approached me. He got very close, causing me to take a step back. 

I had involuntarily backed myself into the wall, Dallas inches away from my face. 

"I don't intimidate you at all?" He asked. He had placed a hand on the wall next to my head. I stared up at him, a smirk on my face.

"Goodness, Dallas! You invading my personal space sure has me shaking!" I faked a dramatic gasp. 

"Well I bet me invading your personal space could definitely make you shake." He was now smirking. I scoffed.

"That dirty joke was weak. Two-bit should probably give you some lessons on how to be funnier, pal." I pat his chest and shoved him away, going back over to the first aid kit sitting on the counter. 

Dallas of course wanted to make my life more difficult. His hands brushed over my hips. I froze up when he let his hands rest on them. 

"Are you trying to make things more difficult for me?" I asked in an annoyed tone. I looked at our reflection in the mirror. Dallas's hands were gripping at my waist. He was wearing an unzipped leather jacket with no shirt underneath since he was wearing the same thing he had worn to the rumble. 

"Awe, I'm making things more difficult for you? Well I had no idea, that's impolite of me." He still had that stupid smirk on his face as his arms wrapped fully around my waist, pulling my body fully against his. My eyes widened and I felt my face flush, my lips parting slightly in shock. Dallas was looking at my reflection in the mirror and his smirk widened. 

"Someone's embarrassed." He teased. I rolled my eyes. 

"Don't get so confident,  you're not the first boy to make a move on me like that and you won't be the last." I muttered, placing my hands over his, which were still resting on my waist. 

"Alright, glad we're on the same page. Because you're not the first girl I've grabbed like this and you definitely won't be the last." He mumbled in my ear. He tugged at the fabric of my blouse, causing an involuntary scoff to pass my lips.

"Maybe you wanna ease up, hotshot." I stated sarcastically. I could tell our personalities would clash. We were both stubborn in very different ways. I knew he wouldn't ever actually do anything with me, he was just testing me. He was trying to see if I had a breaking point. I didn't plan on letting him win so easily. 

"What, no one's ever done that to you?" I tensed up but stayed quiet. 

"Over the bra, under the blouse... Praying to god no one walks in." He whispered in my ear (movie references woo).

I pried his hands off my hips and shoved him away. He backed up, laughing. 

"Good talk." He walked out of the bathroom, leaving me standing in shock.

After I had gained my composure, I left the bathroom and went to the freezer. I grabbed a frozen bag of something so I could use it as an icepack for Dallas. I went into the living room where everyone else was, including Dallas, and threw the bag at him hard. It hit him causing him to jump slightly since he probably wasn't expecting me to even be in the room.

"Maybe that'll help with the bruises." I muttered, sitting down on the couch again. 

I didn't know how I felt about Dallas, but I definitely knew that I wouldn't let him get to me in any shape or form.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat