chapter 26 - camera

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~your p.o.v~

I knocked on the door of the Curtis home, hearing the familiar roars of laughter from inside.

I almost went to knock again, wondering if they didn't hear me due to how loud it was inside, but the door swung open. Sodapop stood on the other side of the door with a contagious smile.

"Y/n, come on in!" He opened the door and allowed me to walk in. I gave him a smile and entered the house, my eyes scanning around the living room.

I saw Two-bit and immediately made my way over to him, my smile widening.

"Okay, I forgot to call and ask what records to bring over so I just grabbed a lot of ones I liked and thought you'd be interested in." I spoke quickly, dropping all of the records onto the ground in front of him so he could have a look at them. I plopped down next to him on the floor, both of our focus on the records.

I felt much more comfortable here than I did the first couple of times, so it was easy for me to just sit down with Two-bit and act at home.

He looked through them, a grin making its way onto his face.

"Wow, you have good taste! Here I was thinking you'd bring over some bad songs or somethin'." He punched my shoulder jokingly and I giggled and shoved him back.

I remembered that I had also grabbed an old camera from my house. It was a nice Polaroid camera, but no one in my family ever used it. I was thinking about giving it to Ponyboy.

I looked around the room, not seeing him anywhere. I stood up and approached Sodapop. He wasn't facing me so I gently tapped his shoulder. He spun around to face me, looking down at me since he was much taller than I was.

"Where's Ponyboy? I wanted to give him something."

"Oh, he's in our room." Sodapop told me, pointing to which door was there's. I thanked him and made my way over to the door. I knocked softly, waiting for Ponyboy's permission to open the door.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and Ponyboy glanced up from a book momentarily until looking back down.

He then seemed to realize it wasn't one of his brother's or a member of the gang, because he quickly looked up again in confusion and quickly slammed the book shut in embarrassment.

"Hey, sorry if I scared you! I didn't mean to just barge in." I smiled awkwardly.

"O-oh, it's fine." He placed the book to the side, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed. I sat next to him, fiddling with the camera in my hands.

"I thought you were Sodapop at first. None of the gang knows how to knock except Johnny and Sodapop, and Johnny ain't even here right now." He laughed softly. I chuckled, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I just had a question. I... I have this old camera that no one in my family's been using. I would use it but I don't think I've got the eye for being a good photographer, don't think I'd be able to find good things to take pictures of. I don't think I have the eye for photography, but I think someone like you would." I smiled at him and his eyes travelled down to the camera in my hands.

"You want to give me a camera?" He asked, looking back up at me. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah. I thought you'd be real good at taking some nice Polaroids or somethin'." I said. He smiled sheepishly.

"That's real nice of you." He spoke softer, a look of joy in his eyes. I liked seeing him happy like this. I wanted to see the happy side of him more.

I held the camera out to him and he slowly and carefully took it from my hands, taking in every detail of it.

"This means a lot to me, Y/n. Thanks." He spoke, not looking at me and instead running his thumb over the camera.

"Anytime, Ponyboy. Now maybe you wanna come out to the living room? I brought over some records, Two-bit and I were thinking of going through 'em and listening to them." I suggested. Ponyboy nodded, looking back up at me.

"Yeah, sure. I'll come out." He stood up from his bed, the camera still in his hand. We made our way back into the living room.

I saw Two-bit and went back over to him since Ponyboy had gone to sit on the couch. I sat down next to Two-bit on the ground and he immediately shifted like he was getting ready to stand up.

Sure enough, Two-bit stood up and went into the kitchen, coming back moments later with a whole pack of beer. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Jeez, Two!" My eyes flickered between him and all the beer he was holding. He laughed, shrugging.

"How else are we supposed to have a good time?"

"Oh come on, I'm not getting wasted."

Let's just say that was a lie, which led to one of the most memorable nights of my life.

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