Chapter 1

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He lives in me,,, by Ayshasamira W

Gracious God, i dreamt of him today,whats happening to me,, how can i love someone from my dreams though he exists but,i have to believe it's just a dream and nothing more,,
I prayed my subh prayer,and decided to sleep, i have nothing doing,
Whats really happening to me,, its been 3 years that i realised i have something for him.

How it all started,,
FCT Abuja, Nigeria, 2013
We were all seated, listening to the MC, it was the 20th founders day,, and all the renowned people of Nigeria were there,, even the middle class like us,
Our sisters were studying there so we had to go,,

So many rich and wealthy men the big men the richest in Nigeria,were Dashing in and out of the beautifully decorated school premises,some presented there speech,, the rich spoilt brats and the big men's daughters,,

It was a joyous occasion,, the students cheered the place by dancing, debating, presenting speeches and making the place lively.

I can spot the Richest man, that is the owner and his children, in the front row, Ofcourse he is the owner, General Aliyu Sadauki.
Parents were only allowed to meet their, kids after the occasion,,

Their late Mum's Bestfriend also delivered her speech, in the end asking the three younger children to present their partners and get married respectively, as that is their mums last wish.

When it was finally over,, we were seated in a corner gisting and having fun with our sisters, the kids perambulating,it was an open space, but the place was still chaos people talking on top of there voices,,

The rich and wealthy people were departing,,,

I sight a convoy,my eyes were busy looking all over, for our driver,,
I convey my message to him and went back to my seat,

I felt someone looking at me,, i raised my head from my shoulder,, and i spotted him,, Oh God! The favourite son of General Aliyu Haidar Sadauki the top richest man in the country.

May be he is looking for something or someone,, he spent a moment glaring at our side,, and the convoy was waiting for him,he later on shake hand with the security, i can hear the mumble of people near me saying
"Oh he shake hands with the security, he is not like his brother, he is one of a kind,,, "
He talked to the security for a minute or two,, i was still surreptitiously eyeing them, the bodyguard i suppose open the door to the car he was finally seated and i can't see him anymore, the convoy escalated from the school.

We continued chit chatting and telling them about what they missed at home,it was evening and the visit came to an end,,

we halted back to our hotel,i freshen up, prayed my magrib and we ordered for dinner,,,

While awaiting dinner, we were going through the schools magazine,, there look at him, my sister glare, he is so handsome,, the three children physically took after their late mother while the other two after the wealthy Gen Aliyu Haidar Sadauki,,,
Food is ready, and we bolted to the living room.

Hey Readers i am back with this epic story, i hope you will enjoy it,, vote, comment and share,,, Love you all.

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