Chapter 7

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I was in my room, getting ready for bed, and i realized that my heartpain is back, due to the ambivalent feelings i have for an unknown person, Ahmad Rufai, his thoughts have become my proclivity,,

God, I missed him, it was monstrous to miss someone,but i can't help it, HE LIVES IN MEEE, his thoughts, his love,,Ahmad is someone i always feel his presence even without him knowing about my existence, his presence is stamped deep in me.

And khalil, OMG! I promised to call him,but
How could someone just call and ask for your full name,Yaa Allah, ok.let me clarify things,

I decided to call him, even though it's almost 10,i dialed the number, but i felt as though i am calling Ahmad.

Hello, hello hello,
But no answer, and he picked the call?i looked at the phone and then i placed the phone on my ear, and i almost lost my breath, i don't know y i felt a hitch, what's wrong with me, i felt Ahmads presence on the phone... May be just my illusions.

I dropped the call,i turned on the laptop to do some work, and my phone rings, khalil's name popped on the screen,

Hello princess,
Hello,i am sorry i called you at night,
Oh its ok
I am sorry it was my cousin that picked the call earlier,
Oh, its ok, i was just curious as to why you asked for my full name, ?
Ohh! Jaanan, i actually wanted to know,
And i met a friend, he told me you are married, so i wanted confirming,
Ohh! Its ok, i am not married, and may be he is talking about another JANAAAN,
No! He saw you,thats y he asked, but forget about him,
Well, is it bad to ask for your full name, princess,
I was abashed, no it's alright.
What are you doing?
Well nothing really, just about to sleep, i am not feeling too well,
Ohhh! Get well soon, I hope is not the cats thou
Hehehehehe noo, not at all,
Please do get well soon ok, i will call tomorrow,
Good night,

Hmmmm,Khalil is unbiased,i don't know what he is upto,, anyway, my love i can't wait to dream of you that's why i sleep early ,i so much love Ahmad Rufa'i Sadauki, and i can't share this news except with Dr jaheed,i hump in my throat.

I am going hysterical, Ahmad oh the eye contact, i envisioned our glamorous wedding with Ahmad, i can't wait to hug him, he is just my type,

Why do i have to feel his presence, i will give him my heart, my love, my body and soul, y do you have to live in me? How can someone captivate my soul with just one look, God have mercy.

I opened my google and typed his name, it has become my daily routine, ohh, yes i typed his name and his biography appeared with his picture, The ever young Bachelor ,y has he choosen the life of perpetual bachelorhood,?

Yaa Allah, what will i do when i hear the news about his Wedding?who will give me answers, i am already suffering from this heartache and i know he must get married one-day, i think i will go off social media just to avoid his wedding pictures, that is if i live to see it,

I know when the news of his wedding gets to my ears  that would be the end of my existence, i turned and imagined him beside me. His almond eyes in mine, his soft skin, i know it must be soft the former head of states son,his smile and yes, i can't wait to hear his voice just once. I dosed off, and Ofcourse i know i will dream  of our meeting and wedding, i love him with all my heart,

Berlin Germany
I think it's time for me to go and find out everything about Noor,
My phone beeped, oh the security,
Yes, hello wait i asked you to scrutinized her every move and what did you do?he yelled

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