Chapter 36

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We got to the mansion,we went to Baba's palace and greeted him,he was suprised to see me...

Noor Janan,i am so pleased to see you,i am happy,thank you Baba,i spent almost 30 minutes with him,before going to Yaa Abubakars Mansion i spent the whole afternoon....

I left to Sokoto the following day following Mummy's instructions of spending just two days,when i alighted i called Yaa Khalil cause there were few contacts in the phone......

Good Afternoon Yaa Khalil,Afternoon dearest sister,your phone was off,yeah i just alighted how is my Mum,she is fine and she sends her regards too..
Thats nice
You wanna speak to your husband?Just send my regards,no here,he handed over the phone
Noor Janan,hope you alighted safely,I was blushing Yes Ahmad,ok don't bother i will call you with my line later,how is Raudhah?She is fine and in sound health,ok we are taking off today so i will call you,
Ohk to Berlin?Yes he answered....
Ok bye bye....
Wait,Noor !!Yes I LOVE YOU...
Love you more...

I love my handsome husband,how i wish anyway let me go and help Mum with some work before Dad comes back....

Ibrahim,do you think i can survive this?Ahmad be a man,Yaa Khadija is only doing this because she wants to see how much we value Janan,so we just head home,she would be suprise to see us,she must be in Abuja......

It's ok,but I love Noor with every breath i take so what is the plan?Khalil straighten his face,Khalil we would be in Abuja tomorrow right,Good can we go to sokoto immediately?

Khalil was laughing hysterically,not a bad idea Favourite Sadauki,Y are you laughing?Because No we can not go to sokoto tomorrow,we have to meet Baba and answer his questions,then we take off may be at night...

But let us first consult Yaa Khadija,So tell me did you talk about going to Sokoto with Janan yesternight?or you were missing her to the extend that you did not ask about he raised his brow....

Hahhaah it's been long that we had this kind of moment,happy moments thou,to Jiddah brother.....

Home sweet home,but home without Noor is just a house,Says the one who barely spend time in the Mansion,you are on it again right Bro...

Sorry Bro,direct to Baba's Palace,he ordered the

It is nice having you back Favourite,welcome home thou i am a bit upset,Sorry Baba he scratched his head...

I will just go and rest i will be back in the evening,no problem Favourite i have visitors so you come back in the evening...

I went directly to my mansion it felt empty,i caressed her pictures,I missed her i hastily ran down to her room,her sweet scent My Noor Janan,i just love her in everyway....

Just when her call came in,

Hello,my Baby how are you?I missed you i am in your room visualizing you,,,
I can't wait to see you Baby,
Ahmad can i talk for a moment,Ohh sorry,
Have you freshened up?No Baby Noor,Uhm ok go and freshen up then call me back,ohh ok sorry i will.

He dropped the call,he is something else i love him.
Jananu,are you thinking about your husband?Yaa Khairat please uhmm,i missed him and you know what ?Yaa Khadija is so nice,really Yes when i had the first miscarriage she went to Berlin you can imagine...

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