Chapter 5

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Makkah, Saudi Arabia.2015

What happened to him all of a sudden?
Yaya, Abubakar, i don't know, but i am sure it has to do with the girl we met, this evening her name is JANAAAN,

Don't tell me you met her, with her sisters right?
Exactly have you met her? Is she really the Noor he has been talking about?

Ofcourse, she is Khalil, wait did he meet her personality?

No, i actually mer her, in the masjid while he was in the tawaf area, she was afraid of cats and i excorted her to the elevator. She saw me in the core of hilton while we went to meet Dr suraj, but Ahmad was on call, she greeted us and left, we met again, but he hardly look at her nor say hey, he always was on call when she is close to us, but i always catch him glancing at her,, and yes i asked her if she is married and she said No, i collected her number and she left yesterday.

I hope he gets well soon,
But did he said anything concerning this JANAAAN?
Yes, he told me to stay away from her, as she is married, and i told him she is not, but he refused to listen, and brother you know he calls his Jaanaan, Noor so i was contemplating if she is the one, that is y i collected her number, wih the intention of checking the pictures he have if she is the same person, but he refused to let me do any of the required things..

Let's give him time, we should not talk to him about her ever, unless if he is the one that brings up the topic..

Ok brother, i will consent to your wish, but if she is really his JANAAAN then she is not married and we need to act before she gets married...

You have a point, y don't you keep an eye on her, contact her frequently before he gets well...
Okay, i will brother

Sokoto, Nigeria 2016.

I brought the kids back from school, and continued watching,,, wishing for the sun not to set,, heartache and insomnia will not allow me to sleep,,,
God! i love someone who barely knows about my existence...

Yes, i locked eyes with him once,,, i quickly grab the school magazine and opened the page where his picture was placed,, i spend some moment looking at the picture,,.

Ya Allah!Y do i keep loving someone i only dream of, i have to let go off this feelings, else i will end up,hurting myself, when i hear of his wedding...

I will surely keep praying,and i know i will never be his friend talkless of being his girlfriend,the richest and wealthy people don't have a place for people like us,,, but Alhamdulillah!For everything that we have... We are thankful to God, happy and contented.

It was past 12:00am and i couldn't sleep, with the girls in school the house feels empty... I turned and decided to check my whatsapp,,, i found my friend Dr jaheed online... He asked if he could call and i consented to his request...

Dr jaheed
Hello,my sister from another mother,,
Hello, Brother, y are you still awake?
Dr Jaheed
I am on call, and you very well know, i can't sleep in the hospital..
I know,just like you know everything about me.
Dr jaheed
So,y is my sister still up...
Insomnia, i guess, i just can't sleep,,
Dr jaheed
Tell me your problems,open up,or are you already missing your ex husband?
God no!
Dr jaheed
Ok,open up..
Well, yaya jaheed you know i realised i have never been actually in real love with someone, but now i believe i am in love
Dr Jaheed,,
Well, it hurts so much, but i am all ears..
Sorry Yayana,,(my brother )
Dr Jaheed
It is okay my baby please tell me, you will feel better by pouring it out, My stubborn Sister.
I am in love,i closed my eyes as if he can see me
Dr Jaheed
I hope this time around, the luck is in my favour, i love you so much JANAAAN, anyway aside tell me,,
I don't want to hurt you Jaheed,i am in love with someone who will never love me in return.
Dr jaheed
Janaan, who is that unlucky prince? ,, stop being an introvert,i am your best friend, you trust me, and can tell me everything,and i have been telling you that you need someone to trust and tell the things that bother you, you will be relieved atleast.
Ohk, the third son of General Aliyu Haidar,,,
Dr jaheed
Aliyu haidar,,, dont tell me the sadauki's?
Well, the ugly truth
Dr jaheed
OMG! How on earth?
I know we can only be compared to their drivers, may be, but my heart is stupid and in love,,,
Dr jaheed
Which of the sons, thou i don't know  them so well,
Ahmad Rufai sadauki
Dr jaheed
Well, all i can say right now, is you should keep praying, and i will always be there for you,, mind you i still have feelings for you...
Thank you, yaya jaheed,,,
Dr jaheed
Quit that your attitude of calling everyone your Yaya. I have to go now
Ok good night Brother, have a nice night rest..
Dr jaheed,
Night, i love you..

And i felt at ease atleast i told someone about my secret crush... I thought about Khalilullah that never call after collecting the number... Oh Allah,, Ahmad Rufai sadauki.....

I see Ahmad everywhere, i feel his presence, there is a particular scent i know that i only associate it with him, i imagined him, talking to me, i see him, above all i always dream about him, this feelings i inflict upon myself are giving me heartache, i am fed up,

Yaa Allah if i am destined to ever say Hi to him in this life please make it fast, i am in pains God please save my soul, away from pains and sorrow to be happy again,

And i heard a voice from behind,, i turned but my imaginations saw Ahmad, Uhm!i missed you,,
Ahmad Rufai Aliyu Sadauki you live in me, Jaanaaan Abdullahi Rashid,
I zoomed off,with my thoughts.

I turned but couldn't take her off my mind, let me call this guy,,,,

Yes, i want you to keep scrutinising her every move, i want everything about her, her movements, the people she associate with and everything, ok
And make sure she is always safe, you are her secret bodyguard ok, am i clear
Yes Boss, i understand, bye

I hump out some air, i don't know how she stomp herself in my heart, i can't believe i am in love with her, i guess i have to meet her,I visualize My Noor.....

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