Chapter 33

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They left early today,I was in the backyard reading a novel when the maid notify me of his arrival.

Good morning Fa'izu,Ohh you will not stop calling me by that name right ok,Yaya Jananu we both laughed.

Please sit down i gestured at the other chair,he sat down i asked the maid to bring Tea and biscuit for him as it was a little a wonderful morning....

So Fa'izu i thought you went with them to the office,no i enjoyed my morning torpidity,ok so you do work here too?

No,i work in LA(Los Angeles)but i want to collect my shares and move back to Abuja,Nigeria.

Wow,but LA is a beautiful place y do you wanna go back to our country?...

That is it ,we are the generation that will help build our Fatherland,if we keep working in other states we wont be of benefit to our country and when would our country develop,you see we can reduce the rate of unemployment..

Yes,that is right i like the way you think,we together must work and build our country.

Yaa janan,i want to ask you something he gasped...
Anything go ahead,ohk is about your sister.

My Sister?What about her?well i actually just want to know about her he chuckled ,just when my phone rings,i picked up and spoke to the favourite.

You dont have to Ahmad,I am at the backyard and Faizu is keeping me company,love you too...

You and Brother love each other so much,but Yaa janan how did you two meet?I laughed and looked at him...

Well,our meeting hmm,tell me please,ok we met at Sadauki international school(SIS),seriously Yaa janan,i beamed yes Fa'iz....

I want to marry someone that loves me so much,just the way you and Brother loves each other...

I will pray for you,besides who can refuse our handsome Faizu,he looked at me and smiled,Yaa janan i was talking about Yasmeenah and is like you dont want to talk about it....

I widened my eyes,Yasmeenah ?you mean what are you saying tell me,i chuckled...

I will not lie to you but i like Yasmeenah,y the sudden shock?No never mind i widened my grin.

She will soon graduate and i will help you win Yasmeenah's heart,he laughed You are just one of a kind Yaa janan...

Y are you spacing out,ohh nothing,Yaa janan are you sure there is no problem about Yasmeenah?
Yes Fa'iz i will try my best,i beamed....

But you know we are from the middle class right?He looked at me with agaped mouth,Yaa Janan you are the one to tell me more about love so i dont mind and please dont say that again i feel bad...

Okay our Faizu,i will not but you know in love you have to know everything about the other partner,you see Faizu i just hope it works...

He smiled i am happy that you consent to this,May God help me win her heart.

We continued talking and i told him that i will see what i can do about Yasmeenah....

He left to visit a friend i was all alone again,i slept off and woke up to many missed calls of Ahmad,i quickly called back,he did not pick the call so i freshened up and decided to wear my ankara gown.

I was tying my head tie when he came in,Queen he opened his arms for me,i embrace him i missed you so much Noor,i looked up at him and I missed you more....

So lemme get ready we are going out,lets go and explore Berlin,and you did not inform me,i pouted.Is a suprise Cutie,ok lemme change to something comfy.....

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