Chapter 8

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I woke up very happy and delighted, because Ahmad told me he loves me,but in my dreams,i was hugging my pillow and blushing when Mum's voice echoed into the walls of the house,calling my name,

I swiftly jumped out of bed and answered, are you still asleep it's past 11am and your cousins must be on their way, come and prepare lunch for them,

I hump out some air, i quickly freshen up, had my breakfast and went to the kitchen, working non stop, i heard Voices from the parlour and i rushed in to hug them, oh girls i missed you so much, Where is Mum and Yaa Abdul.I don't see any box,

They are outside we can't wait to see you, guess what Yaa Jaanan, Fatee's wedding date has been fixed,
Are you serious? I screamed,
And we don't have any luggage, we are going back this evening,

Yes, Ofcourse, Fatee left the parlour and went into my room, somebody drag my hair from behind, i screamed,

Thats what you are good at, scream more i like that,
Abdul, y do you keep maltreating Jaanaan, let her go,
Mama, welcome, i turned with my hair still held by him, Good afternoon, welcome,
A'ah Hajiya, welcome, forget about this two, you came along way, How's Daddy and the journey,
Fine, we are good,
Come in please, Jaanan bring water and food for Hajiya,
Ok mum, but first ask him to let me go, i gestured my mouth at Abdul,
Oh oh, Tom and Jerry, to i am waiting ..

Yaa Abdul please, release me Mum is waiting,
Jaanaaan he looked me in the eyes i love you and thia time around i will not loose you to anyone and you know that,
Yes i know, we would talk about it later,
Thanks let me go,,
Make sure, you cover your head, you dislike headtie and i don't know y,

I will right away,, i left the parlour to the kitchen i set the tray, i serve everyone, we prayed Zuhr prayer,and we continue what we started,gisting about Fatee's wedding, and i was already seeing Ahmad and I planning our wedding, thou i will not organise anything ,just the wedding Fatiha, Ahmad

Yaa Jaanan, you're spacing out ,what are you thinking about,
Never mind,
Raudah came running, Mummy, Uncle is calling you,
Ok, Zainab i will be right back,

Jaanaaan, you left me all alone in the living room,
Sorry, y don't you join us?
No, i want to talk to you,
Ok i am all ears,

Jaanaaan please give me a chance, i don't know y you hate bonding with a family member, give it a try you will not regret it,

Yaa Abdul, i am so sorry, seriously, i am into a relationship with someone and i don't want to break your heart, i never imagined i will ever fall in love after all that's happened, but, i realise i am deeply in love with him, but i don't know what tomorrow will yield,

I understand but still allow me to try capturing that innocent heart of yours,,, thats what i need,

Well, if you insist
Ya Allah, you are here, your phone has been ringing non stop,,
Let me have a look, its still ringing,,

Hello, Good afternoon,
How are you feeling now?
Much better, and how are you doing?
I am fine my sister, i wanted asking something but are you free,
Well, i glared at Abdul, i will call you later in the evening Yaya Khalil,
Ok i understand bye

And who was that?
No, yaa Abdul please don't intrude in my phone calls, i will not find it funny,,
Ok Jannah,
Hahha is that how to call my name,,,

I guess she's a lil busy, so chill, anyway if you are so adamant about hearing her voice take her number, i can introduce you as well, he said teasingly

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