Chapter 37

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After almost two months,i was having severe headache and i had that Yasmeenah and Hanan were on break to add it up i was missing home,i laid in the main living room all alone.....

Assalamu Alaikum he came in,the PA greeted me and kept the folders he then left,Noor are you alright?

I am sorry i have a severe headache i feel dizzy when i stand up thats y i couldnt hug you....

Whats wrong with my Sunshine he touched my forehead,lets go to the hospital let me call the PA,no i held his hand i will be fine Handsome i rolled my eyes......

Baby please lets go please i am worried,no i dialed the intercom set the table please,he looked at me.I will take something to relieve the pain Hearthrob...

First freshen up and have lunch then we'll decide,sorry baby we then went to his bedroom i kept his files and he freshened up,we had lunch but i felt like throwing up...

Are you ok?Uhmm i am just moody i pouted,shall we go out,may be you will feel better,No lets just stay at home i dont want to go out....

What do i do?ok let's watch a movie then?Ok since you are insisting,he laced our hands and we went downstairs....

How about Yaa khalil i have not seen him lately,he traveled,really uhm where to?He went to Zurich..
Nice i love Zurich,i know you do Noor,he smiled...

We are having visitors i think tomorrow,you think,You are not sure?I am sure..

Azzahra?No he nodded they are three of them my cousin sisters,can they use the rooms downstairs?
Its ok i will ask them to clean both rooms...

Thats my Baby girl we cuddled up,i did not ask further about the visitors and he did not talk too...

The next morning i supervise the rooms and everything was in place i went to my bedroom and take a shower,i am becoming skinny this days,this headache is the cause of it i hissed...

I went downstairs and told them what to prepare for lunch,i also helped with some traditional dishes,He is not back yet and its past the time he do comes back...

I sat in the living room waiting for him,and the visitors,i heard the door bell and the voices that uttered the salaam made me startled...

Yasmeenah,Hanan i widened my eyes i huggged them how did this happen?Unexpected Mummy Raudhah squak....

Oh My Allah!!!I couldnt help but let tears flow down my chin,i bend to her height and hugged her,Raudhah she hugged me.......

Please come on in,the maids took their luggages to the bedroom downstairs i led them into the room...
I am so happy to see you both and you couldnt inform me,Sorry Yaa Janan.

Wow!this is out of this world Yaa Janan i am jealous,Hanan flare the Favourite Sadauki is indeed loaded Yasmeenah chimed in...

Just freshen up and pray lets all have lunch together,I took Raudhah upstairs i met him in the bedroom,Jaan y did you have to suprise me this way,y didnt you inform me?He turned and looked at me...

My body trembled,I love you Noor Janan,he smiled at Raudhah and went to the closet i took Raudhah to my bedroom,douched her body and then went downstairs and picked her clothes...

We then sat on the dining table and ate our supposed lunch he was glaring at me from time to time...

I called Mum and Dad and thanked them for sending the girls i was overjoyed,i met them in the bedroom and we continued chit chatting...

Yaa Janan,we are graduating in less than 8 weeks,seriously?i widened my eyes so you guys are not staying long i pouted....

You are coming for the graduation i guess,well i dont know yet.Yaa Janan do you know what bothers me,you are still thesame your skinny body your height everything is still thesame,its just your skin that is looking fresher and softer than ever...

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