Chapter 2

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Classes were hell. The hangover only got worse as the day worn on and I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Al and I had all our classes together, though we weren't always sitting next to each other. But that didn't stop me from constantly looking at him. I thought I had been pretty discreet about it but during our last class, Annabelle nudged me.

"What the hell is up with you?" She whispered in my ear. "Why do you keep staring at Al?"

"What? I'm not staring at Al." A faint blush spread across my cheeks and Anna raised an eyebrow.

Before she could no doubt press me, Professor Longbottom dismissed class and I bolted out of the greenhouse. It seemed a bit silly as well as incriminating to be running out of class like that but I was committed now. I should tell her. She was one of my best mates and maybe she could help me sort out what I was feeling and what Al was thinking most importantly. Maybe she'd be able to tell me whether or not I should bring it up with Al or wait for him to say something. Merlin, this was exhausting. I've never had to think so much about someone and their intentions. If I liked anyone, I'd usually know right off whether or not they liked me too or at the very least whether it was wise to pursue them or not. I had liked Annabelle for a spell during first and second year but I knew that I shouldn't do anything about it. For one, I could tell that she didn't like me like that and for another, we were best friends and I didn't want to mess that up. Maybe Al was the same way. Maybe it's just a small crush that I'll get over as I had with Anna. I was thinking too much about this. After the awkwardness faded away, so would this crush, I'm sure of it.


Damn, Al looked hot in his Quidditch uniform. How have I never noticed? It framed and tightened around all the right places and he must have gotten more muscular over the summer because I think I would have remembered if he had been ripped before. Maybe it was the fact that he was shorter so his muscles just looked bigger. Whatever it was, it was very distracting. I was supposed to be helping and teaching the new chasers on the team but my eyes kept wandering over to Albus helping a second-year maneuver on her broom. She was an aspiring seeker but we honestly didn't need anyone other than Al in that position.

"Hey! Malfoy, focus!" Trevor tossed the quaffle at me and I barely caught it. "Show them some moves."

That's how the rest of practice went. Me, stealing glances at Al while trying and failing to teach the new kids the rounds whilst making a complete ass of myself. I lost count of the number of bludgers that nearly knocked me off my broom even though the beaters were practicing on the other side of the field. I flinched at the pain that shot up my arm when I pulled out my clothes from my locker. I usually showered and got dressed in here but right now I wanted to shower on my own and let the hot water wash off all the troubles of the day, which would take a long time.

"Hey! What the hell happened out there?" Trevor came up to me with just a towel wrapped around his dripping body.

"Must still be a bit hung over." I shrugged.

Trevor didn't look convinced. "Well, you better hope that's the only problem or I'll be the one on top of the roster this year."

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